Day 4 | New Project And Incident

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We all sat in the front room doing the project when we got an email.


Annyeonghaseyo students! I know alot of you already have projects in hand and stuff but this is to inform you about a school project that EVERYONE is required to do! What project? Its about what you think friendship is! I know I know a middle a ch poker project. I just need to hear your opinions. What your allowed to do is write an essay, create a presentation or video on what you think it is! It gets turned in at the end of the year. Good luck!

I sighed.

'Great another project. At least I can work on this alone.'

I sighed and saved the email.

"Yippy another project."



I rolled my eyes at the boys.

"Let's go out to eat."


"You guys go ahead. Bring something back. I'll stay here with (Y/N)."

"Oh how charming."

Sarcasm dropping from my words.

"Go spend time with the guys. I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"I've never been more sure in my life."

I pushed them out the door and shut it.

Finally alone.

I sat down and sighed. Its around 5pm.

I sighed.

I walked out to the balcony and watched the boys mess around while walking.

I sat outside and watched the sunset.

I sat there for 15 minutes.

Suddenly I jumped from a loud noise hitting the door.

"Dude! Shut up you'll inform the manager that were here! Wae not pick the lock stupid!"

"That makes more sense."

Suddenly I heard little ticks and the lock clicked.

I quickly ran inside and his in Sugas room.

I heard the door open and they walked in.

I quickly looked around for something to use as a weapon.

I searched through his bags throwing everything out.

I peeked through the keyhole and slowly opened the door.

I took a peek on each side of the doorway.

They had pistols. I quietly shut the door and ran to the kitchen.

I grabbed glass vase and ran back to Sugas room.

They thrashed every other room in the apartment.

"What about here?"

I heard them in front of the door and took a few steps back.

Once they opened it I hid behind the door.

I slowly came out grabbed the gun with my left hand and smashed the vase over his head knocing him out. Then I pointed the gun at the second one who pointed his gun at me.

"I'd think before doing anything with that gun."

"I should be saying that to you little girl."

I kept my gun on him, glaring at him.

I suddenly pointed it down and shot his foot. He bent down to hold his foot and I raised my foot up to kick him in the head. I quickly grabbed his head and slammed it against the wall.

I moved their unconscious bodies to sit on the couch and went back to Sugas room.

I sat on his bed and waited for them to get home.

"(Y/N)?! (Y/N) HEY! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

I slowly walked out of his room and Suga spotted me. He ran up and hugged me and I hugged back.


We we're a few minutes away from the apartment when suddenly we heard a gun shot.

"What the hell was that?!"

We all ran to the apartment thinking there was no was that came from ours.

One we got to our door it was wide open. We rushed in and saw two guys sleeping on the couch. I panicked.

"(Y/N)?! HEY (Y/N)! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

I kept looking around until I spotted her coming out of my room. I ran over to her and hugged her tight and she hugged me back.

She was breathing heavily. The boys stood over the two on the couch while I kept hugging (Y/N).

I kept assuring her she was safe while running my hand through her hair.

"Its ok... Your safe now.."

The police walked in and stared at the scene.

(Y/N)'S P.o.V

We sat on the couch talking to the police about what happened.

"I was watching the sunset when they came by I ran to Sugas room while they searched for something useful in the rooms. I ran to the kitchen when they aren't looking grabbed a vase and came back."

"Wae a vase? Wae not a knife?"

"They had gun- oh my god."

I stood up from the couch and placed a hand on my forehead. Suga grabbed my hand to calm me down.

"We've been over this! Literally three times I can't I just-"

I snatched my hand from Suga and walked to my room slamming the door shut.

I started breathing heavily and sat down.

Suga walked in.

"Hey calm down-"

"I will NOT calm down! We've been over this three other time I just-"

It started getting harder to breath and Suga hugged me.

It wasn't my fault. I couldn't control it. I've never been in that situation before.

"Hey are you ok?"

We both looked at the door and saw the other boys walk in with worried looks.

"She needs time to take in what happened today."

They all sighed. Suddenly J-Hope hugged me from the other side.

"Its ok (Y/N) you did what you had to do."

The rest began joining in the hug. I calmed down quite a bit after sitting there for half an hour.

I walked to my desk and wrote on a piece of paper.

I walked out to the police and handed it to them.

"You have my statement. You've heard my statement. I think you've gotten plenty out of me."

They nodded and grabbed the paper walking out and shutting the door.

I sighed and sat down still processing what happened today.

The boys sat around me in total silence.

I flipped to the side, laying across Jimin and Jin while putting my legs over Namjoon, V, and Jungkook. Suga and J-Hope sat in front of me facing the tv and I grabbed both of their hands.

Not to long after I did so I fell asleep as they watched tv.

Sent From Heaven (Suga X Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin