An Encounter

463 20 6

J-Hope POV

I finished paying at the register and went to hand (Y/N) the bag. When she didnt take it, I looked up to see her gone.

"Wha- (Y/N)?"

I started to look around, panicked. Where did she go, she knows she wasnt supposed to leave my side.

I looked back at the cashier.

"Excuse me there was a girl with me, did you see where she went?"

She smiled at me and pointed toward the exit. Exactly what I was afraid of.

"Shit, okay thank you!"

I ran out the door. What the hell is going on with her right now?! She knows not to leave my side!

I run around calling her name, but no luck. I asked people for 10 mins and no one said they saw her.

I came across a nice couple.

"Hey excuse me have you seen this girl?"

I showed them a picture of her. They modded.

"I saw her near Formal."

She pointed in the direction.

"Thank you so much!"

I ran toward the store, but no sight of her. Until she came out of the alley beside it.


She turned to look at me. I finally caught up to her, out of breath.

"What are you doing? You know you arent supposed to leave my side!"

"R-right.. I'm sorry. I just thought I saw something."

She shook her head and smiled at me.

"It wont happen again."

I shook my head and sighed.

"Comon let's go home."

She nodded and we started walking back.

She was quiet, which was weird to me cause normally she would crack a joke or start a conversation. I glanced unnoticeablely down at her. She was looking around at the stores as we passed by them.

After 25 minutes of silence, we finally reached the house.

We walked in and I shouted for the others.

"Yah! We're home!"

Namjoon came running out of the kitchen to snatch the bag immediatly digging in it for the biscuits.

I laughed at his behavior and turned to look at (Y/N). She was looking around the house. Like shes never been here before.

"Hey uh Namjoon, can I talk to you?"

He looked up from the bag.


I grabbed his arm and lead him to the kitchen.

"Something happened to (Y/N)."

He cocked his eyebrow.

"What do you mean she looks fine."

"No that's not what I mean. Look when I was checking out she wandered off. I found her by Formals."

He set the bag on the table.

"Wait wait she wandered off??"

I covered his mouth the muffle the volume.

"Shh! Yes! And when I found her she said she thought she saw something."

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