You wear tights?

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Bender was currently singing some song out loud when he abruptly stopped. "Oh shit. What are we supposed to do if we have to take a piss?"

"Walk out and find a bathroom." I answered in a bored tone.

Bender just shrugged his shoulders and started unzipping his pants. "If you gotta go, you gotta go."

"Hey you're not urinating in here man!" Andrew shouted at him.

"Don't talk. Don't talk. It makes it crawl back up." Bender said closing his eyes.

"You whip it out and you're dead before the first drop hits the floor!"

"You're pretty sexy when you get angry." Bender said, looking at Andrew. Andrew just looked at him like he was crazy and then glanced behind him at me.

I was just sitting there with my arms crossed over my chest, minding my own business. When Andrew looked me, I just smirked at him.

"Hey homeboy, why don't you go close that door. We'll get the prom queen impregnated." Bender said to Brian.

"Hey!" Andrew shouted at Bender.

"What?" Bender said clearly getting irritated.

"If I lose my temper, you're totaled man!"

"Totally?" Bender questioned.

"Totally." Andrew responded.

"Why don't you just shut up, nobody here is interested." Claire said.

"Ugh can all three of you shut your traps!" I said rolling my eyes. Surprisingly they all listened, but then Bender started going again.

"Well hey sporto, what'd you do to get in here? Forget to wash your jock?"

"Uh, excuse me, fellas? I think we should just write our papers..." Brian tried to say but was soon cut off by Andrew. I just shot Brian a reassuring smile.

"Look, just because you live in here doesn't give you the right to be a pain in the ass, so knock it off!"

"Am I a pain in the ass?" I questioned curiously looking at the quiet girl and Brian. Both of them shook their head no and I nodded. "Good."

"So are you guys boyfriend girlfriend?" Bender asked Claire and Andrew. "Steady dates? Lovers? Come on Sporto, level with me. Do you slip her the hot beef injection?"

"Go to hell!" Claire screamed at the same time Andrew yelled "enough!"

"Hey! What's going on in there?" Vernon yelled from his office. "Sheppard you better not be causing any trouble!"

"What!" I said slamming my hands down on the table, causing the girl beside me to jump in her seat, and looking at him with wide eyes full of anger. He went back to doing whatever he was doing and I let out a groan. Andrew shot me an apologetic look and my eyes softened slightly.

"What do you say we close that door. We can't have any kind of party with Vernon checking us out every few seconds." Bender said, an idea that I kind of agreed with.

"Well, you know, that doors supposed to stay open." Brian said nervously.

"So what?" Bender asked.

"So why don't you just shut up! There's five other people in here you know." Andrew spoke.

"God, you can count. See! I knew you had to be smart to be a wrestler."

"Who the hell are you to judge anybody anyway?" Andrew asked. "You know Bender, you don't even count. I mean if you disappeared forever it wouldn't make any difference. You may as well not even exist at this school."

"Wow." I said, clenching my jaw and balling up my fist under the table. Sure, Bender could sometimes be a pain in the ass, but that was too harsh.

Andrew either didn't hear me or he was too scared to turn around. I'm guessing he was just too scared to see my face because I noticed him tense up in his seat and Bender had heard me and he was now further across the room.

"Well, I'll just run right out and join the wrestling team." Bender said with a grin. "Maybe the prep club too. Student council..."

"No, they wouldn't take you." Andrew replied.

"I'm hurt." Bender said, fake pouting.

"You know why guys like you knock everything, because you're afraid." Claire said.

"Oh God! You ritchies are so smart, that's exactly why I'm not heavy in activities!" Bender said before turning his attention to me. "What about you Avery, considering we are somewhat alike and all, you in any clubs?"

"No." I said, shrugging.

"And are you afraid of social situations?" Bender asked me.

"Not quite." I said, smirking slightly.

"See we all know Avery here isn't in any clubs because one little argument and she would knock somebody's head off!" Bender said while looking back at Claire.

"We all know that she isn't scared. See you're afraid that they won't take you. You don't belong so you just have to dump all over it."
Claire said to Bender. After this I just ended up tuning most of the conversation out.

Brian ended up telling Bender all about the clubs he was in, which I truly didn't care too much about.

Andrew and Bender were going at it again. Something about Andrew not wanting to miss his wrestling meet.

"I wanna be just like you! I figure all I need's a labotomy and some tights!" Bender said, which immediately caught my attention.

"You wear tights?" Brian asked Andrew.

"No! I don't wear tights. I wear the required uniform." Andrew started getting defensive.

"Tights." Brian and I spoke at the same time.

"Shut up." Andrew said irritated.

Bender goes to the door and looks around cautiously. Then he starts unscrewing the screw from the door.

"Bender that's school property there, you know it doesn't belong to us. It's something not to be toyed with." Brian said.

"Live a little Brian." I said from my seat. He just turned around and looked at me nervously. I just raised an eyebrow at him and he turned back around sighing. I looked up to see Andrew looking at me too. As soon as we locked eyes he turned away quickly.

"Heads up Shep!" Bender shouted to me as he threw the screw to me. I easily caught it and realized if Vernon came looking for the screw, he would go for me or Bender first. I looked over at the girl beside and held up the screw with a smirk on my face. She immediately had a mischievous grin on her face and I tossed it to her and she put it in her bag.

"You're not gonna fix the door?" Andrew said looking between Bender and I. Bender just shrugged and sat back down.

"I didn't do it." I said smiling innocently.

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