My Story

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*TRIGGER WARNING* Mentions of Abuse. Also, sorry this is so short.

"What about Avery? Let's hear why you got in here. Let's hear your story." Bender said, giving me a knowing look. He already knew my story. He knew it all. All of the fighting, all about my parents, he knew every bit of it. After all, nobody would understand it better than John Bender.

"I got in a fight, with this girl. I don't even know her name. She was one of the preppy girls. I'm sure Claire knows her. She was just running her mouth, saying that I was just weak."

"Weak? I'm pretty sure you're the complete opposite of that." Brian said.

"No." I said, shaking my head. The whole tough demeanor I had when I first walked into this library was completely gone now.

"She's right. I am weak. That's all that I am. Sure, I stand up to people all day, everyday. I get into fights non stop. But I don't know how to just walk away. I don't know how to just shut up and be the bigger person and leave. And I hurt people in the process. I'm weak, because I can't stand up to my parents. I hate them so much! But I am exactly like them." I said, my voice cracking harshly at the end, tears starting to roll down my cheeks. I felt Andy pull me closer to him.

"My parents hate my guts. They've made that very clear. My mom... man, she lives for telling me how worthless and pathetic I am. My dad on the other hand... he's more of an actions speak louder than words kinda guy. I think you can figure that one out for yourself." I said, sniffling and fidgeting with my fingers.

"He beats you?" Brian asked, his voice just above a whisper.

"Yeah. He does. I'm in here today, and every other weekend because it's my only way out. They know how much I hate being anything like them. But they just love the thought of me turning out exactly like them. So, when I fight, when I get detention for it, they're proud of me. Well, my dad at least. And it all stops, all the verbal and physical abuse just comes to a halt. And they finally leave me alone. I hate it! I'm sick of walking around here being the monster, the girl that everybody is scared of! I'm tired of seeing kids run away from me in the hallway or freak out when I just look at them! I don't even feel like a person anymore!" I yelled, completely breaking down and sobbing into Andy's shoulder.

"That's what makes me weak. I can't even stand up to my own damn parents." I said in a low voice. Everyone looked at me with sad eyes.

Both of Andy's arms were now wrapped around my back, my arms wrapped tightly around his waist. My head was buried into his shoulder, his leaning onto mine. I could hear other sniffles in the room, one was definitely Andy.

"Why haven't you ever told anybody?" Claire asked with tears in her eyes. I sat up, wiping the tears from under my eyes and turned my attention to her.

"How am I gonna know what my parents will do? They've made it clear that they just wanna ruin my life. They'll just make it worse if I tell. I know they will. They always find a way." I answered, sadly.

"Do you know... why they do it?" Allison asked, tentatively.

"Because I'm breathing." I said, not bothering to look any of them in the eye.

"How do you know that?" Andy asked softly.

"They told me." I answered while avoiding everyone's eyes.

I slowly glanced up at everybody else and noticed all their sad expressions. Andy and Brian were crying, Allison and Claire were fighting back the tears that were in their eyes, and Bender just sat there repeatedly clenching and unclenching his fist, not making eye contact with anybody.

"They never wanted me. I wasn't supposed to happen. So, they make my life a living hell. Because I am such an inconvenience to them. They didn't want me then and they certainly don't want me now. I was a mistake. I still am." I explained to them, staring at the floor completely emotionless. My tears had stopped now, but I was clinging onto Andy's hand tightly.

"You're not a mistake." Andy said, wrapping his arm around me again. He gave me a sweet smile and pulled me closer into his side. "The last thing you'll ever be is a mistake. They're just too pathetic to see it."

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