What do they do to you?

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"Chicks cannot hold their smoke, that's what it is." Brian said, all of us laughing as Claire coughed while smoking.

I looked up to see Andrew coming out of a room loaded with smoke. He let out another breath of smoke before he started dancing. Everybody starts cheering him on, while I sit there with a stupid grin on my face. He pulls his jacket off and does a cart wheel before he takes his shirt off and is left with jeans and a tank top on.

He runs back into the room he was in and shuts the door, screaming and shattering all of the glass in the door, causing me to laugh like an idiot.


Brian, Allison, Andrew, and I were sitting on the couches in the library. Brian and Allison sitting on one of the couches, both of them at either end. Andy and I on the other couch, sitting extremely close to one another.

"No, no man, no! You got a middle name?" Andy asked Brian.

"Yeah, guess.." Brian said.

"Your middle name is Ralph, as in puke. Your birthday is March 12th. You're five-nine and a half, you weigh a hundred and thirty pounds, and your social security number is 049380913." Allison said, the three of us looking at her in confusion.

"Wow. Are you psychic?" I asked her.

"No." Allison answered.

"Well would you mind telling me how you know all this about me?" Brian asked.

"I stole your wallet." She said as she pulled the wallet out of her bag.

"Give it to me."

"No." Allison said.

"Give it!"

She reluctantly handed over the wallet to Brian. I was too busy laughing way harder than I should've been. I was leaned over into Andy's side, and he threw his arm around me.

"This is great! You're a thief too!" Brian said, clearly irritated.

"I'm not a thief!" Allison said defensively.

"Multi-talented." Brian said.

"What's there to steal? Two bucks and a beaver shot."

"A what?" Andy asked.

"He's got a nudie picture in there! I saw it, its perverted!" Allison answered.

"Alright, lets see it." I spoke up. Andy looked down at me with his eyebrows raised, I was still leaning into his side. I just smirked up at him.


Andy was digging through Brian's wallet, both of us looking at everything in it.

"This is the worst fake ID I've ever seen." I said, taking the fake ID out of Andy's hands. "Do you realize you made yourself sixty-eight?"

"Oh I know, I know, I goofed it." Brian said, laughing slightly.

"What do you need a fake ID for?" Andy asked.

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