Chapter Seven

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We had just gotten into bed after putting everyone to bed. It was fun, we had a Disney movie marathon and believe it or not Zander could sing. We were half way through The Jungle Book when he stared belting out the words to Bear Necessities. I had just gotten into bed when Zander's phone rang. He muttered a sorry before answering the phone.

"Alpha Zander speaking, who is this?" He asked, his tone immediately changing to a more serious one. I couldn't here much, but I knew it wasn't good because Zander had to leave as soon as he had finished on the phone. He had told me to go to and he would see me in the morning.

I waited till one before trying to get some sleep, but no matter what I tried I just couldn't. I decided I would go to the study and try and read. I had decided to read Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, I was a tad bit curious to why Zander had it, but picked it up anyway and went and sat on the couch that was in the corner of the room. Somehow I had managed to fall asleep.

I woke up, I was in a my room. Not Zander's an my room. My room from when my parents where alive. Knocking came from the door.

"Come on honey, get up now otherwise your gonna be late for your graduation." I knew that voice, that voice was so familiar. NO! It cant be...

"Mum?" I asked trying not to cry. She burst into my room immediately comforting me, if only she knew why she was comforting me. She patted my hair while tried to regain my breathing, she whispered sweet nothings into my ear.

"Hey what's going on in here why aren't the two beautiful women i love sitting down eating breakfast with me" Came the voice of my Farther. I lost it again. He immediately came to my side asking me what was wrong and all i could say was that your alive.

"Well of course I'm alive, why wouldn't I be?" He asked, but before I could answer Andrew burst in.

"Good your all here!" He said before he pulled out a gun and shot both my parents. I was covered in their blood. I screamed as I watched therm take their last breath over and over again.


"Clara wake up!"

"Clara wake up!" I shot up screaming an began thrashing around when i felt someones arms around me.

"Please no, let me go let me go!" I screamed out as tears flowed out of my eyes.

"Clara, baby it's me... it's me" Zander, it was Zander. I relaxed immediately knowing it was him. I lifted my head to look up at him. I almost gasped at what I saw before me. He lip was split an eye was all bruised he had grazes running down cheek. Before I could even ask what happened he said that I should see the other guy which made both of us laugh, before he winced and grabbed his ribs. I immediately stood up and switched our positions so that he was lying on the couch.

"You should be resting Zander, now tell me what happened?"

"I'm fine I'll heel." I gave him a look that said 'If you don't tell me what happened I swear I'll knee you where the sun wont shine again '.

"There was a large group wolves gathering on the North side of the border, As alpha I went to go approach them and ask why they were on my land. When more of them came out and ambushed Sydney my beta and me. We killed them all , but not before they told us something you're not gonna like it... The Greenfield Pack has declared war on us."

I couldn't move. Andrew was going to attack the ones I had left. I suddenly couldn't breath and before I knew it everything went black.

"Come on, Clara." I heard Zander say before I woke up. I already knew I was crying. I manage to muster out a 'please don't tell me that was real'. He didn't need to answer the look on his face said everything. Instead he just engulfed me in a hug and told me that everything would be okay.




So that's all, I know that its kinda short but I can assure you the next few chapters will make up for it. Also the answer for the question, 'where do you think I live' the answer is the Land Down Under. So at the top is Bob Morley) and he is who I envisioned as Sydney, Zander's Beta.

Later all,

Rugrat Out ✌️

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