Chapter Nine

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I turned my around and buried myself in Zander, I couldn't look at her anymore. "Cover her up please." Zander said in his Alpha tone. A life had been taken and as alpha it is his responsibility to find out who she was. I knew it was my job to now, so I wiped my tears and turned around to face my pack.

"Can anyone recognize that girl?" No one answered. Until someone finally stood up.

"Luna, She has the mark of a tree." The  man said, pointing at the girls mark before returning back to the crowd of humans and wolves. '

'He's right', Sydney said in both mine and Zanders head. I nodded at the man then walked over to the body to inspect it. As both the man and Sydney had said the girl did in fact have a small tree tattooed on her ankle. Each pack had an emblem so to say, ours was a rain drop, as small mark that went on a wolf's ankle. It would disappear if a wolf was kicked out of a pack or appear if a wolf is welcomed to a pack as mine had now. The symbol of a tree I knew all too well it was what symbol I was supposed to have, it was the symbol of the Grienfield pack.

"Grienfield," I whispered even knowing everyone would hear me. Zander growled when he heard this and then told everyone to return home safely, he also instructed to people to take the body back to the hospital and we would arrange and funeral soon.

"Come on", Zander said softly before placing an arm around my waist and walking me home with Sydney and Olsan in tow. When we arrived home we found Bieana and the kids. Bieana immediately rushed up to us, not before sending all the kids to bed. We all went upstairs into Zanders office to discuss tonight's events.

"So she's from Grienfield pack?" Sydney asked.

"Yes", I responded softly.

"Why would Andrew do that to his own pack members?" Olsan asked trying to understand Andrew.

"To send a message, but what kind" Zander asked. "And why?" Sydney added.

"To me, he did it to send a message to me. Can't you guys see she looks like me exactly like me? She was wearing what I was at the ceremony, he knew what I was wearing. That poor girl died because of me. Zander Because of me." I stated angrily, yet I felt tears slipping out of my eyes. "He has to pay Zander, for me, for my mother, my father, for her especially for her", I was full out sobbing now, but everyone in the room knew what happened between me and Andrew and understood.

Zander then walked me out of the office, whispering sweet nothings into my ear, before taking me into our room and putting me in bed before kissing me goodnight and telling me he was going back to his office to start planning the attack on the Grienfield pack.

I was nearly asleep when there was a soft knock on the door, before Bieana's head popped in.

"Hi sweetie, there's been a rouge incident at the pack and I have to head back, I just wanted to say bye before I left." She then came over a gave me a kiss in the forehead, like a mother would do when tucking her child in before saying that everything would be okay if she just stay strong.

After I shortly fell asleep. I was dreaming about the girl's body when I shot up drenching with sweet. I looked around and found Zander peacefully sleeping with his arms wrapped around my waist. I tucked myself closer to him and was drifting off to sleep again when I heard the faintest whimper.

Unwrapping Zanders arm from my waist I swiftly moved out of bed trying not to wake him. I walked down stairs to the second floor, from there the whimpering was louder, but only just. I walked down the hall until I reached a familiar door. Maggie's door. I softly opened the door and found Maggie awake with her knees brought up to her chest crying. Seeing that I rushed up to her, picking her up then sitting on her bed and bringing her into my chest whilst telling her it's okay.

When she finally calmed down, I asked her what was wrong.

"I saw Alalaki", she said still sniffling from crying.

"Who's Alalaki honey?" I said a tad bit confused.

"He was my brother, Zander and the others aren't my real brothers," she said sadly, "I had a brother named Alalaki, but he got sick. Then my new mummy took me home and told me Zander was my new brother." She said, her sniffling had stopped, but I could still sense she was upset so I agreed to stay with her, and so I did and that's how I fell asleep that night.

"Clara!... CLARA!!!, CLARA!!!!!" I heard Zander calling my name, his voice was laced with so much concern it. I shot up out of bed realising I was still with a very asleep Maggie. I rushed out to see Zander, running down the second floor hallway searching rooms for something. When I walked out he immediately came to a halt and turned and looked at me. He let out a heavy breath before rushing to me and in closing me on a big bear hug.

"Where were you?" he asked after finally pulling away from the hug.


"I woke up last night and I heard Maggie she was having a bad dream." I stated simply, "Was it about Alalaki again?" He asked quietly. I nodded. "She told you I'm guessing?" again I nodded, "Maggies parents had passed away and maggies brother was the only one she had left. Thankfully he was old enough to look after them. He then found his mate but she died as she was and omega her immune system was low, that was when the water was contaminated with high levels of wolfs bane by the hunters and her body couldn't handle it. Maggie's brother wasn't sick, so to say, he had lost his mate and in turn, turned rouge." He breathe out, "As Luna it was mums responsibility to look after the pack orphanage, on the trip there she took Isaac with her, and he wouldn't leave her alone that day. So when they got there he immediately attached himself to Maggie as she did him, they both cried when they were separated from each other. My mother believed they are mates and so do I."

'It made a lot of sense now reflecting on their behaviour around each other. I guess will just have to wait until Isaac turn sixteen to know', I said in our mind link as the wins had now come out of their bedroom.

Zander nodded at this before telling everybody to get up and head down to the kitchen for breakfast. When we got down to the kitchen, I saw Zander frozen, I walked around him to look into his eyes and saw they were clouded over meaning he was mind linking someone. Finally the returned back to normal. He let out a huff of annoyance, and I immediately knew he was going to have to leave.

"Go." I said already knowing what he was going to say. He kissed me on the head then mumbled a thanks then said goodbye to everyone before leaving. I saw all the kids had helped themselves to the cereal Bieana had brought over. I got myself a bowl and began to dig in when I heard the phone ring in Zanders study, gotta love werewolf hearing. I left my amazing bowl of coco pops and went upstairs.

I quickly zoomed into the office and picked up the phone placing it next to my ear, "Hello?" I asked into the phone added a little bit of my alpha tone to show dominance.

"My, My... Haven't you grown up dearie..."



Oh another cliff hanger, OMG that was fun to write. So I have casted Amanda Seyfried as Olsan so there's a picture of her on top. She actually is in a werewolf movie called Red Riding Hood you guys should totally watch it.

That's all, See ya later ya'll

Rugrat Out ✌️

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