Chapter Twenty-Three

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*Heads up in this chapter the characters will be watching the films, The Princess Bride. Spoilers will be present during this chapter.*

I would be lying if I said that wasn't the best night of my life, I had given myself truly to mate for now and always. Zander was still asleep when I woke up. I silently got up and headed to the kitchen and decided to make a start on breakfast.

Someone remind me to thank Beiana, she had brought pancake mix. I had finally made the mix and was starting to cook the pancakes when I heard Zander walk in.

"Good Morning," I said facing him before turning back to my pancakes, I was starving after last night's events. I was surprised I could even walk considering how many rounds we had.

"More like great night," He said as he kissed me before taking the spatula from me and took my place over the stove. I thanked him and then began cutting up some fruit to have with the pancakes. We sat down on the couch and watched frozen as we ate our breakfast, Zander had somehow managed to pull me into his lap halfway through the movie. Once the movie was finished I got up collecting on now empty dinner plates and went to the kitchen in and attempt to do the dishes.

I was about to start the water when Zander stopped me. He his hand slowly travelled from my arm to my hand were he entwined our fingers.

"It's snowing come out with me." He said as he gestured to the window which showed it was in fact snowing. We walked out and I let go of Zanders hand and reached up in the air attempting to catch a snowflake, when I felt something hard yet soft and very cold hit my back. I turned around to find the source, when something hit me in the face, it too was cold and that's when I realised that it had in fact been a snowball, throw by my very own loving and caring mate. Notice the sarcasm.

I growled at him before grabbing a handful of snow and throwing it at his face. By the time he realised what I was doing it was too late as he was already covered in snow.

"Let's make a snow man," I said a tad bit childish whilst jumping up and down.

"Okay, okay." We then spent the next hour building a snowman before we both gave up and decided to go for a run. We quickly got undressed and shifted so we didn't get to cold. Running in the snow in wolf form was amazing it the best part was that I couldn't lose Zander with his black coat. Thought with my grey coat it was a little easier to make too hard for Zander to find me, though he eventually did.

'Boo!' Zander said as he pounced on me though it wasn't a surprise as of his colouring. I whined, knowing I loosed the game but Zander made it up by licking my face. It was cute, but he had bad dog breath which really wasn't that nice. I pushed him off me and then made it look like I was headed for the house but hid behind a tree. As I knew he would Zander ran past the tree in search of me, I then took my chance to punch. Landing right on top of him causing us to tumble for a bit. Somehow we landed with him on top which caused me to huff out and growl in annoyance.

He started playfully nibbling at me in which I too joined in on.

'Can I have some time with our mate?' Maia asked a bit shyly. I suddenly felt really guilty Maia had rarely spent any time with her mate. I the shifted all of the controls over to her and sat back and watched. Zander soon realised I was not in control and also gave control to his wolf. After watching Alexi and Maia play together carefree for over an hour. They finally gave us back the controls in which we ran home and then shifted before quickly hurrying in.

Zander intertwined our fingers, "Come have a bath with me." I nodded. Hand in hand we walked towards the bathroom, I turned on the water and waited for it to be the right temperature before putting in the plug. Zander who had left the bathroom returned with a foldable table, he set it up before disappearing again. He then came back with his portable movie player and two DVD's.

"Which one?" He said holding them both up.

Hmm, The Princess Bride or Wall-E, I had never seen either of them so it was a hard one. Wall-E looked cute, the disc cover had a robot waving, and he had bright blue eyes. Whilst the princess bride DVD had a man holding a sword, with a woman behind her who also was featured on the cover wearing a crown. I could only think that she was the princess that the tittle mentioned. I was interested in both of them.

"Can we watch both?" I asked quietly. Zander chucked before nodding his head, he put on the princess bride first, before we both got into the bath. Zander got in first and I sat between his legs, leaning against him. We had reached the part where Westley had just died and I began tearing up, thankfully though Miracle Max was able to bring him back. I absolutely loved in Inigo. Finally the movie ended. We both hoped out, I empty the water and turned and kissed Zander.

"I love you," He said as he turned to face me.

"Inconceivable," I said sounding shocked, we both laughed. Before I placed my lips on Zanders and he placed his lips on mine. I then jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist, he put his hands underneath me, holding me up.

"What about Wall-E?" I said pulling away, he grinned.

"You can watch it all you want when we get home tomorrow, Kay." He said before his lips found mine again. Let's just say we didn't waste our last night away.

HI guys, well there's another chapter down. I also want to mention that I have currently reached 300 views, yay! So honestly which movie do you think is better 'Wall-E' or 'The Princess Bride' I personally like Princess Bride better. The first time I watched it I was really ill and I had been on bed rest for about two weeks and had basically watched every movie I owned twice. So my mum comes home from work and said she was getting the mail when she saw they had a sale on DVD's and they had The Princess Bride, and that was her favourite movie. So I watched it and fell in love with it, the first night I viewed it I watched it three times, then two the following night after it.

Love you guys, and thanks for reading,

Rugrat Out

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