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The first thing I thought of when I stepped out of Baker's office was to call Grams and Al, but I knew I had some work left to do. The ER was filled with sick kids who needed to be examined, and they needed my full attention. I wanted to get rid of this excitement and joy I had, because I knew I could be easily distracted from my work because of that, but I couldn't.

These kind of days where I felt this good were rare, but it was the best feeling ever. When I thought about it, I didn't know why I was so happy to see him again. It certainly had to do with the fact that it was finally the result of a long and tiring search. I didn't want to think much about what was coming next, because from what my visions showed me, I knew my life was about to change.


I put all of my thoughts and feelings aside for a few hours, and took care of the children from the ER. February has always been the time of the year where there was a lot of children sick with the flu. Among the eighteen children I had to examine, twelve of them had the virus.

When my job in the ER was done, I went to check on the kids, and as promised, went back to Kyle's room to get to know his new friend and spend a little time with the both of them. I was glad to see that, when I took his chart to read it again, the nurse who was in charge of his case filled it up to explain what medication she gave him. Thing is, the little boy was still sick, and I needed to put his antibiotics IV back on for a couple of days.

"You seem very happy today," Kyle noticed, as I was looking at my Happy Families cards.

"Liam, Blue familiy, can I please have the Grandfather?"

"Pick a card!" he giggled, and I smiled at his joyful state.

"What tells you I'm happy today, Kyle?" I wondered, turning in the little boy's direction.

"I don't know, it's something I see in your eyes," he shrugged, and I smiled at him again behind my surgical mask.

"I've made someone's day brighter, that's why," I let him know, and he smiled at my words. "There's going to be a birthday party here in the next couple of days."

"Oh yay!" the two little boys joyfully exclaimed in unison, which made me giggled. "Is there going to be games?" Liam asked me.

"A lot of games," I verified, nodding. "Which makes me think," I began, and took a look down at my watch. "Guys, I'm so sorry, I need to go now. I promise I'll come back tomorrow to play with you again."

"Do you really have to go?" Kyle whined, as I put my cards in the stack.

"I do. I have a few things to do before I return home," I explained, standing up from the edge of the bed. "Be good, alright?"

"Of course," they both said in unison again.

"Good night, guys. See you tomorrow," I waved, and left their room.

I walked a few feet, and knocked on Charlie's bedroom. His mother's voice was heard, and I came right in. The little boy was fast asleep, his leg bandaged from his foot to his thigh.

"How is he feeling?" I whispered to Mrs. Northman, as she stood up from her chair to be closer to me.

"Everything went well, but as you can see, he's very tired," she said in a low voice, crossing her arms under her breasts. "I'll be gone soon, I just want him to wake up for a minute so that I can tell him goodnight."

"Sure thing, take all the time you need," I reassured, patting her shoulder gently. "He'll feel better in the next couple of days. I had the thumbs up from my boss, and we're organizing him a birthday party. And a special guest is coming."

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