Chapter 30

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Chapter Thirty

*Bryce's POV

I sat there quietly as Caine finished patching up my wound. Pain slowly traveled over my body and I did my best to continuously ignore it. I decided to focus on anything else but my pain. I tried to clear my mind of any unwanted thoughts, but I couldn't help that his words repeatedly ran through my head.

Bryce he's been here watching you sleep for hours..The man and his accomplices were going to kill you..

How many times am I going to face death? Why does everyone wants me dead? What did I do to deserve this?

It's so disturbing to think about a creepy weirdo watching me sleep..only because he was waiting for me to wake up so he could kill me. Why would you want to murder an innocent girl? I've already been through too much and now I have to worry about psychopaths killing me in my sleep. Just great.

I shook my head in shock, "That's very disturbing...I wonder why these people keep targeting me?" I wondered aloud in disbelief.

I already knew the answer, but I wanted to come from Caine. Why else would I keep getting captured and almost killed? Because of him. I already had a sneaking suspicion before the masked man told me he was here to hurt me because of Caine.

Not only has this man kidnapped me, tortured me and tried to rape me but he also has to bring in other killers that will end up killing me too?? I felt tears brimming my eyes at that thought. I would do anything to be escape. No matter how hard I try there's no way I'm leaving this room.

I've tried countless times to escape whenever Caine leaves me alone, but all my attempts has been unsuccessful. There's no escaping this hellhole, but I'm never going to give up no matter what though.

The last thing I need to do is to give into to my dark and twisted thoughts of staying here forever or until I'm killed. I have a whole life ahead of me and I refuse to accept my situation. I will not stop fighting.

Caine will not win, I'm going to escape one day and the first thing I'm going to do is turn him over to the police. I'm going to testify and get his ass locked up for life. He doesn't deserve to get away with all the crimes he's committed against me and other innocent people. He deserves to rot in prison for the rest of his life.

"Because they want to hurt me," Caine said simply, his dark eyebrows furrowed in thought. I felt a low hum of anger inside of me.

He said that statement so nonchalant as if we're talking about the fucking weather. Of course Caine doesn't care about my wellbeing or the fact that I'm caught in the crossfire of something he did.

"But why do they want to hurt you?" I questioned with a hard edge to my voice. I tried to keep my composure but my true emotions slowly began to unveil themselves.

He tilted his head to the side, his brow arched slightly. "Are you really asking me that question? You already know who I am and what I've done." He chuckled coldly as he stood up from the bed. His tall frame slowly inched towards his bedroom that was wide open..low murmurs of his team echoed around his home.

I scowled deeply, something about what he said made me so angry. He always treat me like I'm stupid. I'm way smarter than he thinks. I need for him to say it before I go around and assume something.

Also, this is Caine we're talking about, he has killed countless innocent people, kidnapped people and he's destroyed families etc. Who wouldn't want him dead? I really pray that they catch him. The world doesn't need an evil man like him to be walking the streets, living his best life after he's taken innocent lives from individuals who did not deserve it.

"I'm not even surprised that someone wants your head on a stick. You're a fucking monster that deserves to die and I hope they get you. You will regret everything you've done. You know there's a special place in hell for evil assholes like you," I hissed angrily, after all this is all his fault. Why couldn't he leave me alone?

Caine assessed with his cold emotionless eyes for a brief moment. A chilling smile slowly crept up his lips. I swallowed hard..something about his expression unnerved me.

"You're right. I will be in hell with you right by my side. I do deserve to die..but who's going to do it? Not them and certainly not you." He murmured, that frightening smile is still present on his face.

He approached the bed and stood silently above me. A bad feeling sank in the pit of my gut. I tried to keep my face completely blank which turned out to be so difficult because  I was scared shitless. I always have to run my big mouth. Ugh Bryce..

Within the blink of an eye, he wrapped his hands around my throat in a vice grip. I gasped instantly..his grip was so tight. He used my neck to pull up the rest of my body into a standing position. I wobbled slightly on my feet and I resisted the urge to hunch over in pain because I was restrained tightly.

If I could scream I would. I was in a world of pain, my side, my arm— everything was burning including my lungs. I needed oxygen. I wish I could get rid of the pain. Why can't I just stop letting my anger get the best of me? Now I'm definitely going to die. I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. Once again why me?

I can never catch a break.

Tears welled up in my least I won't suffer anymore..I thought sadly to myself.

"I'll do the world a favor of getting rid of useless shit like you. This was something..I should've done a long time ago." He gave me a sinister smile that chilled me to the bone. Tears steadily ran down my red cheeks. Black dots began to blur my vision.

My lungs was on fire and I desperately yearned for the cool air to fill my chest. At this rate there's no way I will survive this.

Pain... scorching hot pain is much more of this will I be able to take?

My body throbbed all over and at that moment I wanted the suffering to end.


His cold blue eyes was the last thing I saw before I was sucked into an endless abyss of darkness.

This will be the last chapter in Bryce's Point of View.

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