Chapter 1 - Back in Touch

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Maybe I had more alcohol in me at the wedding than I thought. Maybe the combination of party and Niall Horan makes me do hasty things, after all I do have a record of kissing him while dancing just in the spur of the moment without thinking about it or considering whether it would be going too fast or not.

The first time I met Niall Horan, I kissed him at the Summer Ball when he had just broken up with his girlfriend. In my defence, I didn't know it was him. Still, I kissed him before we became anything, even friends.

Now, we meet after seven years and I kiss him while we are dancing before we become anything. Again.

Is this a behaviour pattern or what? Should I worry?

It's not like we've been in hiatus since we parted ways seven years ago, we did break up so we can't just resume from where we left off. It's been a really long time and we've changed, we've grown up. We ought to get to know each other again and from that build something... if we agree on the point we might start again.

Today, as I wake up after the wedding, with a slight headache that means I did drink a bit more than I should've, I consider that I might have rushed a bit. Just tiny little bit, no need to panic, right?

"Ugh, why did I just kiss him? Couldn't I wait until after the date?" I ask myself like a villain in a bad TV show, revealing my plan to everyone just because. Sane and ordinary people shouldn't talk to themselves.

Points for me for making me look desperate the first time we meet again.

I roll out of bed, feeling regret making my limbs heavier, and heading to the kitchen for some water and an aspirin, although I'm sure that won't help me to not feel like I rushed things and maybe even ruined all this. Nothing grants that because Niall and I worked out seven years ago it's going to be the same this time around.


I decide taking a shower might help me, but as I'm heading to the bathroom, I remember Niall and I didn't exchange numbers during the party, which means we won't get in touch to coordinate our date, which means no date whatsoever.

Well, then maybe it was good I kissed him, as it seems there won't be a chance again.

My mild headache turns in bad mood as I realise that, angry with myself because did I have to leave that in his hands? Why didn't I ask for his number? I'm a modern woman, I don't need the man to take the first step.

This is a morning filled with regret, apparently.

When I come out of the shower, not feeling any better but actually clean and refreshed, I grab my mobile phone to check the time, but I notice instead two missed calls from and unknown number and a new text message.

When I come out of the shower, not feeling any better but actually clean and refreshed, I grab my mobile phone to check the time, but I notice instead two missed calls from and unknown number and a new text message

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I stare at the screen, surprised to see his message and unavoidably, feeling that old tingly sensation in my stomach that's nothing but pure excitement.

I'm Still Ella (ft. Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now