Chapter 4 - Friends

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       "I came here for the gossips and the gossips only," Rhiannon says as soon as I open the door by dinner time. Following her tail comes Charlie, holding a bottle of wine and nodding his head along.

I'm surprised to see them here, they didn't say they were coming for visit and I was actually waiting for delivery, not feeling like cooking or dining out on my own. Still holding the knob of my door, I watch my friends get comfortable, but it doesn't take me more than a few seconds to accept it and just shrug as I close the door. I'll have to order something else for them.

"What gossips?" I inquire, joining them in my small living room, sitting next to Charlie, leaving him in the middle of Rhiannon and I.

The three of us studied medicine together, we met Rhiannon in uni and have stuck together since then. Charlie also got a job in the same hospital than I and it seems that our lives will always be tangled, always next to each other since we were kids. I honestly have no idea how we are not fed up of each other. And apparently, we've dragged Rhiannon in our entwined fate, because she also got a job at the same hospital, but her plans have always been to get a specialisation so she might not stick by our side forever.

Regardless, that is the reason why the three of us are in the same city.

"Oh come on, you think Charlie didn't tell me about you meeting the love of your life again? For which I'm hurt, Ella. I thought you'd tell me yourself instead of Charlie texting me in uppercase and even including a drawing of what happened," Rhiannon glares at me, arms folding and her face the perfect example of what disappointed looks like.

I look at Charlie, surprised he's spread the rumour when it's been like twenty-four hours only. The man in question looks back and just shrugs like saying 'what can you do?'

"Sometimes I need to express my artistic side," Charlie comments offhandedly, and Rhiannon's glare is now aimed at him.

"You don't have 'artistic side', Charlie. Should I show the stick version of Ella and Niall you sent?"

Charlie isn't even embarrassed, after all he's accepted he cannot draw even if his life depends on it. We do love him like that, though.

"Anyhow, Ella, we came here to hear everything from you," Rhiannon remembers the real reason they are here and Charlie is focused again.

"Yes, and Ann also wants to be part, but she's overseas due to work so she said to do a video call," Charlie explains, taking his phone out of his pocket and immediately calling our other common friend, a successful producer we also met during our time in uni. "Get some glasses for wine?"

As the call is waiting to be accepted, I do go to my kitchen to get classes for all of us and whatever snack I find, which isn't much: some crisps, crackers and cream cheese. That'll have to suffice until pizza arrives.

When I come back, Ann is on the screen and my smile is automatic because it's been a while since I last saw her. Ann is always busy, going on business trips, expanding the company, although most of the time it's due to shooting.

"Ann! It's been so long, how have you been?" I ask, taking seat and putting the glasses on the coffee table. Charlie opens the bottle and pours wine for the three of us.

"I've been well, still struggling with jet-lag, but overall I'm great," she explains and we nod along. I know she's in come country in South America, shooting the final part in the Element Bound Series, which means she's with her boyfriend Gareth over there. "I've heard you're doing great, Ella."

With three of my closest friends watching me, expecting me to say more about what happened, I feel embarrassed, and pressured. I try to hide my face behind my hair, lowering my head. I didn't tell Charlie much of what happened at the party, he was busy with his own girlfriend and today I was busy with my pre-date, so I haven't talked to my friends.

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