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When I come back home from my jog and a stop at the  grocery store, the kitchen is spotless. I have to say, it's not something I expected Grant to be capable of. Human voices bring me out of my thoughts as I set the bags on the counter. The commotion is from the guest bedroom and I furrow my brow in confusion. I knew for a certainty Grant was one of the  voices, but the other one was more feminine. I didn't even want to begin to think about what they might be doing. Anger rises in me, though I don't really have a right to be angry.

"Grant," I yell, glaring down the hallway towards the bedrooms.

A pronounced yell of 'Shit!' could be heard followed by hurried footsteps. I stand there, one hand on my hip, the other grasping a cucumber as I wait for the door to open. I've half a mind to throw the damn thing at his head. 

Out walks a dishevelled Grant, his dark hair in an array and his shirt buttoned up wrong. I roll my eyes, what was I even thinking? It's basically drilled into his mind to be a man-whore, why did I think it would be any different?

"Listen, you can sleep with whoever you want, I don't care. Just don't do it under my roof," I glare at him, and he blinks, as if confused. "Don't play dumb with me, I know there was a lady in there with you. I'm just warning you. If you want to play these games, do it outside my house." I turn around and return to putting away the stuff, beginning with the cucumber.

"Listen Adri, you've got it wrong-"

"As if I would sink my standards and sleep with this walking STD," a voice sniffs, and I twirl around to find a tall raven haired woman standing behind Grant. A power suit accentuates how curvy she is, black Louboutins adore her feet and her eyes are a deep brown. Her hair is put up into an elegantly messy bun, and I almost envy her. "I expect my next visit to be my last, Parker." She glares, hands on her hips. She fixes her hair, and re-positions her purse, then saunters out the door. I watch her, in awe, then turn to Grant with my eyebrow raised.

"Who in the hell?"

He shrugs sheepishly, glancing towards the door, then back at me. "An old friend," His vague explanation isn't enough, but I let it go for now. I won't delve into his personal business so long as he stays out of mine.

"Whatever, just keep your shady business away from me. I have enough on my plate." I think back to the woman then turn to Grant my eyebrows raised. "Wait, Parker?" I ask. He shrugs again.

"What, did you think my first name was Grant?"

"I actually hadn't given it much thought."

"Please, I know I'm stuck in those deep dark crevices of your mind," Grant smirks at me, wriggling his fingers. I snort.

"Sure." Frankly, he wasn't wrong. He was stuck there, and as much as I tried to keep the slight blush from my face I couldn't. So I busied myself in putting away the groceries. He wanders towards the barstools, claiming one and watching me while I put everything away.

"So you never did tell me. What's with all the guy clothes you have? I mean, I know for a fact that you don't have a boyfriend," He narrows his eyes at me. I snap my head towards him.

"How do you know that?"

"Cause if I was your boyfriend no way I'd leave you to live all alone in this apartment," He winks. "Besides," he continues on a more serious note, "you barely check your phone, and there isn't any pictures of anyone in here. Add in all the ice cream your eat. Therefore, single," He gestures towards me. "I could go on, but I'm saving you the embarrassment. So anyway. The clothes?"

I stop putting everything away and place my hands on the counter. I don't turn around to look at him because I know if I do, my eyes will betray me. Thoughts of him flit around my head, 'what if's and 'if only's that haunt me day in and day out. I really should have gotten over him. Should have moved on. But to be honest if he knocked on the door right at this moment and asked for a second chance, asked to try again, I wouldn't refuse him. I'd welcome him with open arms. Hell I'd fall into his arms, crying about how much I missed him.

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