Twenty Seven

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I barely finish the request before his lips are on mine.

His hands wrap around me, pulling me a little closer to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him towards the bed. The kisses grow more frantic and passionate, and I slide back onto the bed. Slowly he lays me back down and hovers on top of me, his hands sliding down my hips. I take a deep breath as his mouth leaves mine and trails kisses down my neck. My eyes shut of their own accord, a low moan leaving my lips. 

His hands deftly slide off my shorts, and I reach down and unbuckle his belt and slide off his jeans with equal ease. He pulls back and looks down at me, his legs on either side of my hips. His eyes search mine for a moment. 

I roll my eyes and reach up and pull off his shirt. 

"Is this when you remind me about our first meeting?" I ask him, my hands trailing down his muscled torso. His hands grip the hem of my camisole. My eyes snap up and meet his. 

"I saw you across that airport and I knew you were it," He says quietly. I snort. 

"Love at first sight?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "You know that there's no such thing, right?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. Parker laughs, his laugh makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. 

"Oh, I didn't say love at first sight, bambola. I just knew you were the most beautiful woman I'd ever lay eyes on." He murmurs, as he bends down and brushes his lips against my ear. "You're basically a rose, as cheesy as that sounds," He grins, biting on my ear. "Beautiful, but you've got to brave the thorns."

I giggle, pushing his face so he's hovering above me. My heart mends and breaks all at the same time. If time could freeze in this moment forever, I wouldn't mind. The way he's looking at me, and the way he smells and feels, I want to commit it all to memory. Because pretty soon that's all it'll ever be. I feel tears threaten to fall again. 

"It's the cheesiest thing I've ever heard," I tell him, my voice cracking slightly. He dips his head down to my neck, a smirk playing on his lips. 

"Are you sure you want to do this now, little vixen? We've got a million nights after tonight," He tells me. I close my eyes.

If only that were true. I run my fingers through his hair and roll my head back as he explores down my neck and towards my collarbone. One of his hands slides down my inner thigh, and a breath huffs out of me as his hand reaches it's destination. It slips inside of my underwear and my back arches off the bed slightly. 

"Positive," I moan out, as his hand pulls off my underwear. He pulls back and helps me out of the camisole, too. 

"Good, I'm not sure I'd be able to stop," He tells me sheepishly, his eyes trailing over my body. 

I'm not sure when I finally fall asleep, but it's definitely past dawn. The whole night I felt like I had somehow died and gone to heaven, over and over again. Just when I thought we'd be done, either Parker or I would come back for more. I guess this is what happens when you surpress feelings for this long. They bottle up and eventually rush out of you in one messy explosion. When I wake up, he's not there. 

I shut my eyes again, and try to go back in time to last night. To those words and touches and feelings, and I try to relive it. If only I could somehow stay there, in those moments, I would. Anything but the pain awaiting us ahead. 

I get up out of bed, my body sore all over. I notice a couple of darker spots around my breasts and along my collar bones. My stomach drops with excitement and I feel like a little high school girl who'd just had her first time. A wistful smile spreads on my face, and I walk over to the connecting bathroom for a quick shower. 

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