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For the past week I've been trying to get somewhere with Zane. He's the toughest target I've had yet, but I think today I'll finally be getting somewhere. He's been in a bad place with Veronica, and seems to have taken a liking to confiding in me. I try to keep him as my priority, keeping in the loop with him on any updates on his house in Punta Canoas. So far, I've been trying to hint about the place, but he seems oblivious to it. Parker thinks that Nickolas made it up, but I don't think so. He seems to avoid the subject purposefully.

Speaking of Parker things have been slightly rocky. He's moved out to his own townhouse, and spends the majority of his time there. I feel lonely for the first time in a very long while. I'd gotten so used to walking into the next room and finding him there that I forgot what is was like before. A pet sounds really good right now.

I stand at the entrance to my building, waiting for Parker to come and pick me up. We've got a meeting with Justin to clear some things up and update him, then I'm off to lunch with Zane. This is supposed to be my in. Maybe I can invite him and Veronica out somewhere and Parker will be able to make his move. Seduce her, or whatever it is that he does. As I'm standing, a man looking in his early thirties smiles at me from nearby. He has dark brown hair and an easy smile. I smile back slightly, then check my phone again. He's late.

"You look like you're waiting for someone," I hear a voice say in a accent that sounds slightly English. I look up and push my sunglasses to the top of my head. The man from earlier stands beside me, his hands in his pants pockets. He has a navy suite on with a light blue button up underneath. Overall a very professional looking individual.

"Yeah, actually, my friend. Except he's late," I sigh, crossing my arms as I watch the cars zoom by.

"Friend, eh? Is there anywhere I can drop you off, lovely?" He asks me. I glance at him and find him looking me up and down, checking me out. I smile slightly to myself. At least I know I still got it.

"No, thank you. I say friend as a loose term. He's more my driver," I tell him, crossing one leg over the other and turning to my new English friend. "What's your name?" I ask, tilting my head slightly. He grins at me, understanding my meaning to say that I'm completely free. A little flirting never hurt anyone, after all.

"Alexander Huntington. My friends call me Xander," He says, pulling a pack of cigarettes from his pockets. He offers me one and I take it. It's not really a habit, just something I don't mind doing if offered.

I hook my purse into my elbow and let him light my cigarette. Besides, maybe it'll warm me up a little.

"Do you live here?" Xander asks, raising an eyebrow and indicating towards the building I'd just walked out of. I smile at him.

"Oh, no, my sister does. I don't know if you've seen her, but she's got this cute little baby girl she tugs around. I was just visiting them. How about you? Are you from around here?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. Xander smiles slyly.

"How about you let me take you out and we can talk all about where I'm from," He says smoothly. I have to admit, he's pretty good. But I know better. His honeyed words and smooth exterior is too good to be true. Besides, I have much too much on my plate to even think about a date. Though I'm saved from answering when a black Range Rover pulls up. The passenger window rolls down and Parker looks between me and the guy, eyes narrowed. Ever the knight in shining armour. Except this one drives.

"Hey, ready?"

"I've been ready for the past ten minutes. You're late," I tell him, frowning slightly at him. He rolls his eyes and reaches over and opens the door for me.

"Whatever, just get in. Justin's expecting us."

I throw the cigarette to the ground and stomp on it. I smile at Xander. "Nice meeting you. Maybe we'll meet again." I get into the car and shut the door. A bewildered looking Xander finally regains his composure.

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