Chapter 10

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Fear was in control.

Every step we took through the crowded streets, brought her her at racing even more. I could feel it, I knew it.

I held her hand tightly maneuvering around passed the people walking our way.

"Can we stop?" She asked.

I nodded. We've been running for the passed 3 hours so far, and I felt obligated to do as she wanted.

I looked around until I found a restaurant.  Some place public with lots of people.  We walked to the back, making sure we were not close to any windows.  To much of a risk, even in public.

"We can't stay here." I told her.

She agrees, nodding. "I know. "

"We need a plan. Something smart,  and uncommon."

"Okay, what do we do?"

"First we order."

She looked taken back. "What? " she stuttered.

"When was the last time you ate?"

"I don't know,  in the afternoon I guess."

"That was hours ago."

"I'm good." She says.

I shake my head, looking at the menu to my side. I skimmed through the words until I found something. "To you want a burger?"

She shaked her head.

"Nachos? "

Again, she shared her head.

"I'm not hungry."

"You have to eat something Olive."

"Actually I don't. I'm not hungry, so I'm not going to eat."

"You're scared, that's why your acting like that. " I scoffed.  "For crying out loud your shaking."

"I'm not shaking, I'm cold." She says. I looked at her a bit before taking her hand. It was frozen, like ice.

"How's that possible?"

She rolled her eyes, pulling her hands back. "It's nothing. "

"Hey!" She blinked repeatedly before laying her eyes on me. "Look, I get it. You don't trust me enough to tell me things, but I'm not asking to know your whole life story. I'm only asking for you to trust me for now until we can figure something out, okay?"

"I have trust issues."

That's all she could say.

"Do you even want my help?"

She looked away, crossing her arms against her chest.


The waitress came over taking my order.  Her name was Karen.  She looked like she was in her mid twenties with dark brown hair and brown eyes.

"I'll have a the cheese burger with fries. Thank you." I told her.

She gave us a friendly smile before walking away.

"If you don't eat you can forget about a bullet to the head. Starvation will do that trick to."

"You're so funny."

"Sometimes I wonder if I'm in the right profession." I grinned.

She looks at me with disgust.  "I was  being sarcastic. "

"So was I."

She looked away, as I leaned inwards with my hands folded on the table. "Is this about your boyfriend? "

"My what?" Her eyebrows raised at me.

"You know, the Asian dude."

"Kian?" She scoffed a bit, trying to hide a laugh. "No..." she dragged out smiling. Her eyes were on the table, while her mind was elsewhere,  probably remembering things.

"I've known him my entire life basically. " Olive titled her head as she frowned her brows.

"What are you think about?" I asked.

She jointed her head up, quickly looking at me. "Huh?"

I smiled at her, before eating back and sitting up normally waiting for my food.

By the time I had my food in front of me,  she stared at it. And all I could say was, "I told you so."

She rolled her eyes at my comment, before placing her eyes on the menu. "I'm going to order the...the...fries."

It took her a whole minute to figure out, out of the whole menu what she wanted. And all she wanted were fries. Not a burger to fill her stomach a little bit longer,  or even cheesy fries.

No, regular fries.

I couldn't deal with that. I shook my head before getting up and walking to the counter. The same women who had taken my order was talking to the cook who looked shorter than her.

"How can I help you?"

I looked between the cook, and her. "Can I get chicken nuggets with fries.  Oh, and a large...sprit."

She nodded, writing all of the order down.  I smiled back at the 2 of them before heading back our table.

Olive sat there playing with her fingers, more like fidgeting in her seat.

I slid into the booth,  and pulled her head up. "Hey."

A single tear fell down her cheek, and I fell even worst then I did before. "Hey, I'm sorry."  I say taking her hand. I rubbed it slowly,  hoping to gain her attention.

It worked.

"I just thought about something. " she whispered. She chocked on her words, trying to get them out.

"I have a sister." She pauses, now staring at her hands. "And I can't leave her."

I sat there silent, waiting for anything to happen really.

She looks between her fidgeting fingers and me, pausing for a whole with her mouth halfway open. "You know in the movies when they never see their families again..."she's hesitating,  and I get it. "is that going to happen to me."

I shake my head, but honestly I don't know what's going to happen. I want to make a promise to her that after all this,  nothing going to happen to her. That after all this, she'll be able to walk right to her mom and her sister without a care in the world. That she'll be going back to school major in whatever she is,  and just be...happy.

And I'm scared that all I can say is your see them again.

Not vivid, or details.  Not the fact that I mean pictures, or walking down the street on one of our hideout if we're lucky.

I hadn't realized how quite the table was or the fact that I zoned out on the conversation when I saw her eating.

She's chewing the food extra slowly. As If she's savouring the last thing she'll ever eat, and I'm scared.

I'm scared I can't protect her.

I'm scared she'll never see her family again.

I'm scared she'll never be what she wanted to be.

I'm scared that I'll have this conscious over me for the rest of my life. That I failed someone that I was supposed to protect.

I'm scared of a lot of things.

But mostly I'm scared because I know it's too late for me, and might be for her.


I got lost writing this but it turned out good. So I'm good.

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