Chapter 31

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The plan was to forget, and everything that surrounded it too. No one knew what was going on with me, and that how I wanted it. Too many questions asked weren't the type of people I hanged out with. They knew better. Especially Damien.

It been a long year, when graduation finally took place. And by that time, I'll already had a reputation. I wouldn't call it a nice one at that, but it wasn't necessarily bad either. It was in the middle....sort of.

Anyway, graduation was literally through these doors. I had forgotten about my past, and was prepared to be a new person, a new me. Not some bullshit New year's eve resolution, but actually different. And that was clear.

Rushing through these gigantic doors, I feel freedom breathing  down my throat. Mom clearly couldn't make, but at least my father was there. All the important people were. We took picture just with us, and left. Nothing interesting was going to happen here, and that when my father decided on drinks to celebrate. Not some fancy party that he always does.

It's probably because I made it official. I'm joining him in his business.

We sat around in a booth, Damien, dad, and I. Surrounding us were plates of fries and burgers all of different sizes and types. Damien kept popping fries in his mouth that it didn't even look like he was eating it, more like he was inhaling them.

It was quite for a while until my father decided to bring it up. Knowing Damien he would blow this whole thing up like he always does, but much worse. I tried to derail the conversation to something less dramatic and simple, but he didn't work as planned.

He brought his drink to his lips, taking a quick but loud sip before talking. He was dragging this, and he knew I wanted it to be over with. "I'm so happy you came to your senses." he says.

Damiens ears perk up, as he eases his way inside the conversation. "What's going on?"

"Jack didn't tell you?" he asked him already knowing the answer. "Well he's going the family." he smirks.

"He's already part of the family, "Damien pointed out. I felt like Damien was trying to avoid the obvious answer with hope that it wasn't true.

"The family business." Father clears up.

And here comes the speech that I'm sure of will talk my ear off as soon as we get home. It was clear to Damien that there was only one thing to do after everything that transpired between all of us, Damien wasn't sure if he wanted to be part of that family business anymore, but he had to. And I had to eventually accept that I'm no more than a criminal son.

I took a long sip form my drink, and folded my arms against my chest as I pretended to listen to Damien's argument. I'm tired, I just graduated, and I want to sleep. Still I say nothing until I see the problem die down, yet that wouldn't have for a long time.

It was now 12 in the morning, and here they were still fighting like either one of them was going to change my mind, and that's exactly what I told them.

"But-" Damien tried to say, hut I interrupted him.

"Its too late, I'm going home to sleep. Tomorrow the rest of my life begins, so I was your support."

"Jack..." His face drops, so did his eyes. He couldn't look at me anymore, and honestly it hurt me.

"Your like a brother to me..." I pleaded with him, "please."

He nodded, his head getting up. Father paid for diner and went to his car, while I drove Damien home, and then to mine.

By the time I got home, I ran to the door only to see a girl standing  inbetween the doors shivering in this heat. She looked sick at 12 almost 1 in the morning. It was strange. She wear a heavily dark blue sweater and black hat covering her dark brown hair.

I opened the door, and let her go through first, as I closed the door behind me.  She thank me thinking it was goodbye, only to get in the elevator with me until her stop came , a floor under mine. She thanked me again, shivering out through the sliding  doors.

I was finally home in my bed, and there I slept with all my clothes on. Relaxed and alone. Something I could actually get used to.


So I decided to do something different with this story and make this part the backstory before he starts working for his dad.

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