Chapter 15

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I watched her.

I watched her as she closed get eyes and slept for a few minutes before I could leave. I knew Damien was waiting for me outside, parked close to the city.

It's always like that, he always has something to tell me. It was clear by how he walled past me without looking me in the eye.

I took my gun, just a in case things got out of hand I my way back. These days, you have to be careful.

I took my car and stopped a mile away from the safe house to him cat that parked on the side with his lights on. He leans against his car, with his arms all crossed watching me pull up to the side.

"What is it? "

"I was starting to think you didn't get my hints."

"You should know better by now." I nodded, looking around the cold, dark, baren environment.

"I set up a meeting with him. The friend. " he told me.

"With Kian."

"What other friend does she asked."

I frowned my eyes brows at him. He seemed agitated, angry, just planned annoyed.

I didn't have time to asks questions about his sudden mood swungs, I was more focus on making sure Olive realize what she would be missing.

It was that important.

He hands me a prepaid phone. "For the call."

I nodded.

"So where do we go?"

"Do you know that pizza place near north park?"

I nodded again, give a small smile.

"Well that's the location he'll be at. You have exactly 44 minutes left." He says, checking his phone. Damien steps back into his car, diving off without even a goodbye. Just "Good luck."

I scoffed at his behaviour before walking back up the stairs. I guess my boot were loud because she sat on the bed with the blanket covering herself.

"Is everything okay? "

I flashed a smile her way, throwing the green duffle bag over my shoulder. "We're just leaving."


She stood up, sliding her foot into her shoes. She grabbed her jacket that hung on the bathroom knob, before following me down the stairs shortly without any questions asked.

I smiled a bit thinking about the hearing pad, and what that guy Phillips said. I guess it actually does work.

We got to my car, and the whole drive there she was quite. It was weird. She stared at the window, probably thinking about all of this.

But still it was werid.

I thought maybe she was finally getting this into her head. She was finally realizing that this wasn't a movie.
The good guys could die.

She could die.

We stopped a block away from the shop. I parked my car, and reached for the back to the dufflebag. I grabbed it, and headed up the stairs of the restaurant all the way to the stairs.

I stood there watching from the roof of the restaurant scouting the area for long black hair.

As soon as my eyes laid sight on him, I turned to her. Olive was behind me laying on the roof, staring at the stair.

"Olive! " I called for her. She jumped up crawling over to me. I handed her the phonw, and she stared at it.

"I thought we weren't supposed to have any firm of technology on us. What am I supposed to do with this?"

"You can call him." I tell her.

She stated between me and the phone. Debating whether she should do it or not.

I pushed her closer to dailing his number until she did. Instantly he picked up, and I told her to tell him to come outside.

She looked at the restaurant right across from us, and broke out.

Kian walked out looking around so lost, while Olive held her mouth trying to break into tears.

I put my hand on her back, comforting her, telling her it's okay.

"Hey," she starts.

"Hey." He response.

"How's everyone? "

"They're good. " a long pause fell over them."By the way I told your sister you went to Ireland."

"Ireland?" She questioned.

"Yeah Ireland."

"I've been there already." She states.

"Well you went there again. " she starts to smile small bit, before her face didn't have the ability to frown. "She's on to me though."

"Yeah cause my sister not dumb. I would have told her I'm leaving or something."

"Well she's ordering her ice cream, do you want to tell her the truth, or should I continue the lie."

"She's there!" She shouted into the phone.

"Yeah, put her on the phone. "

The thing is, I heard everything. I saw everything.

They way her face lit up as soon as hee sister was mentioned was really want I was looking for, a whole lot more.

The call lasted a good 15 minutes. And as soon as she said her goddbyes, she hung up the phone, and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Thank you." She says. I could hear her voice chock at a she utter the words. "You don't understand what this means to me."

I let go, standing back up. "I figured you needed this. A reality check before-"

"Before it's too late."

I nodded, a scratching the back of my head. I didn't know what else to say.

"It's okay, I get it now."

"You do."

"Yeah." She paused, sighing extra loud and dramatically. "Just thank you."

And that was it.

We walked back down the stairs, all the way to my car. And where I drove off towards my father's house.

I know we've been there too many times, but I we couldn't stay there any longer. Besides, the next stop after was a hotel.

Sorry about this. I know it's late, and I was rushing. Plus I don't know if I like it or not yet.

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