Chapter 5

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"Heath, what are you doing?"

All he does is just smirk at me. I have no idea what to do in this moment. I feel his breath on my neck. I'm very uncomfortable.

"I'm here to pick you up for dinner." He just smiles.

His pearly white teeth are shining right through me. I feel myself look at his chest. His shirt was buttoned down to his collar bone only showing a bit of his chest. Sadly, Heath is a model and no girl can resist a model.

River tried modeling for a little while but hated it. They were trying to make him almost butt naked at times and that's when he quit. He didn't want to be a model if they just want to show him naked constantly. Or at least that's what he told me.

"Gorgeous, we need to get going if you want to make it in time."

He quickly grabs me by the wrist and starts speed walking towards the door not even letting me look at Efa.


We both sit down in his red convertible. He had his cologne all through the car. If you didn't know it was winter time and the snow was pouring down. The little snowflakes would make me feel even more cold if I just looked at them.

I saw at the corner of my eye Heath staring at me. If you didn't know he was known as the 'Model Player' yes, sadly, I find interest in players.

Heath and River are the only people I have really dated. The others were one night stands. I am kind of a player myself because I have had one night stands more with random people than when I was in those relationships.
But, no one really knows about that except for Efa.

"Here we are." Heath whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

If you thought I was interested in Heath right now your wrong. I'm scared. Not interested in him. I was never his to begin with. We were a bet that never worked out. We dated because our friends dared us to. Never had too much of feelings for each other. I was the one who broke things off, I guess Heath never moved on.

As we walk towards the building I see an all too familiar motorcycle.


My heart starts to beat faster as we walk towards the door. Bum, bum, bum, bum. I can't even believe I'm breathing right now. But the baby. I need to think for my baby. Don't pass out. Your baby needs you. That's all that plays in my head.

I feel my heart slow down as Heath opens the glass doors that shows a stunning restaurant.
It was one of those restaurants where you didn't have to look fancy. I felt relieved by that.

"Follow me please."  The lady starts walking towards a rounded booth. Red candles were in the middle of the table.

I look to my right only to see blue eyes piercing through me. He was glued on me. But I also saw someone else with him.


She was flopping her obviously curl ironed hair everywhere so that she could reveal her oversized boobs in her tight showy black dress.

What was River doing with her. We're getting married tomorrow. 'Once a player always a player.' I think to myself. Yet, I'm a player as well. Or used to be.

"Are you going to sit down Emmer?" He asks politely chuckling a little.

"Of course." I sit right next to Heath who was obviously surprised of how close I was. I just smile and he smiles back.

I look over at River who was still staring at me. We made eye contact for a second but I instantly turned away.

"So... why did you bring me here?" I ask looking deeply into heaths green eyes.

"I just wanted to meet my old friend." He winks as another shiver is sent down my spine. I know what this man can do and damn he does things well. But River always did better. They were always in competition but everyone knew that River was better.

"You look lovely Emmer." Heath whispers into my ear. I just blush a bit and look to the side making sure I can see River who was obviously angry.

I watch as Crystal walks towards River pulling his chin towards her and kissing him. In this moment I feel my heart break. She was holding his head forcing him to kiss her.

I look over at Heath who was staring at them too. He just shakes his head and looks at me.

"I'm sorry Emm-" I cut him off by kissing him forcefully.  At first he is taken a back but then quickly deepens the kiss. I look over at the corner of my eye to see River with balled fists. 2 can play at this game Thornes. 2 can play.

I run my hands through Heaths blonde hair. Our tongues touch lightly and then forcefully.

"Emmer don't do this just to make him jealous." He whispers lightly. We stopped the kiss for a moment.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

But now I see River who was coming over here with balled fists.

"River what are y-"

He punches Heath right in the face letting his nose bleed.

"River!" I yell. But all he does is grab my wrist and drag me out of the restaurant.

"I'm sorry!" I yell to Heath. I just watch him nod as River is dragging me out of the restaurant.

River sets me on the front of his motorcycle having me lean against the steer. He sits to face me. All he does is look at me.

"What were you thinking?!" He almost yells.

Is he serious right now! IS HE SERIOUS RIGHT NOW! He was the one that let Crystal kiss him! Heck all I did was do the same thing!

"Are you serious right now Thornes! You were the one who let Crys-" he cuts me off by kissing me passionately.

He grabs hold of my waist while one hand is on my thigh. I try to get off of him but he just tightens his grip even more.

Suddenly we see both in the corner of our eyes cameras flashing. Crap.

I break the kiss with River as he looks down at the ground.

"I know and I'm sorry Ems. Forgive me?" He continues to look at the ground while the cameras are still flashing at us.

"I forgive you. I have too." I whisper. He gives me a kiss on my forehead and then switches seats with me as we drive back to my house.

I have to forgive you because... I'm pregnant with your child.


I wake up now to Efa screaming in my ear.



oooh wedding day! This will be very interesting! 😝 love ya!

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