Chapter 30

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"50 50?! THE FUCK! He will live. Wether you think he will or not. Bitch." I walked away angry shoving nurses as I continued to hold my kids. I was pacing down the halls in anger. That was until I finally reached River's room.

Room: 213 guest is River Thornes.

I sigh in relief. I felt as though a big weight had been lifted from my chest. I was still carrying my kids as I entered the room slowly. He was in a bunch of tubes and he was resting in the bed peacefully. I hated this look on him.

Eventually I ask a nurse if they could hold my kids while I call there babysitter. Happily the young nurse agreed.


"Thanks again for taking the kids." I say as our babysitter aunt Priscilla walks away. Yes, my aunt is our babysitter. I'm not letting some STRANGER watch my kids!

"River..." I say breathlessly as I turn around to look at him. He didn't lose him tan, or anything that made him sexier. Personally, I'm somehow really turned on. And he's asleep!

I walk over to him and kneel down to be at him level. He looked so beautiful. Peaceful.

I grab his hand and hold it tight. And just stare at him. Streams of tears were falling down but I didn't care. I continued to look at him. They had him on a breathing tube. So, he looked like he was breathing but, you truly don't know that.

"I love you River. I have always loved you. I can't get you off my mind. Ever! And, now we share kids! They need you River. I need you. Heck, your countries need you. I've already divorced Victor. So, please... wake up. Wake up..." I was now bursting into tears. Tears were falling on the floor but I don't give a fuck.

"Wake up. Wake up..." That's when my eyes started to feel heavy. Everything was so blurry of how tired I was. I slowly stand up and untwine our hands as I walk towards the couch. I was spending the night here. And I don't care if they make me leave. I will sue them.



"River! Come on! The kids and I are waiting for you!" I yell as the kids giggle. It was there first day of school and River was still getting ready. He was making sure his hair was perfect. I mean, last night we were a tad intimate but, not so much it ruined his hair.

"Mommy?" Anastasia pleads looking at me with her big eyes. I just look back at her smiling.

"What sweet pea?" I plead making her laugh. She loved sweet pea as her nickname. River always calling her little thang. But I called her sweet pea. I called Antonio little man. River called him Big boy. Antonio always wants to seem like a big boy.

"When is daddy going to be ready?" That's when I sigh and make a sly smile at Anastasia.

"How about I go ask daddy!" I say giving them a dorky wink as I walk away. Quickly they held hands and started giggling together. I loved watching them have fun.

I run up the Beautiful gold stairs. They were nice and shiny. The red stained glass windows sent a romantic mood to me. I've always thought that.

"Can I come in?" I say slowly opening the door. I was looking at a shirtless River. I could never get enough of his look. Even though he is 23 he still is good looking. Our kids are 4. We're not that old!

"Sure." River says as he washes his face with water. The water was trailing down his face, to his neck, chest, stomach, and then... I'm not even gonna go there.

"Uh. I-I just wanted to see if you were ready." I say trying not to make eye contact with the sexy man in front of me. I could hear him chuckle. I lifted my head and he slowly walked towards me with a sly smile. He grabbed my wrists and my eyes followed. He put my hands on his chest and he was smiling.

"I love it when you stutter Ems." He whispers seductively in my ear. So many chills were going down my spine right now I can't even count.

"R-River. Stop making me so nervous." I say quietly. That's when the cutest smile was plastered on his face. He cupped my cheeked and smooshed them lightly making my face smoosh up. He laughed and then kissed me on the lips. Intently. He trailed his hands all around the curves of my dress. He slyly shit the door with his foot and set me on the counter in the bathroom. Never breaking the kiss.

"R-River." I say lightly as he kisses my neck.

"Hmm?" He pleads in response as he continues to kiss me.

"W-we s-should go d-downstairs. The k-kids are waiting." That's when he groaned. He continued to kiss me until we heard a big loud,


River and I paused. We both sighed. River had red cheeks and I was just in shock. He didn't lock the fucking door?! River and I slowly turn our heads to look at the kids. They were holding each other and had disgusted faces on. I would expect them to laugh but they just looked frightened and mortified. I was a bit mortified myself.

"Mommy. Daddy. What the heck was that?" They were both still hugging each other in shock. Antonio had asked that. He looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Kids, I was smelling mommies new perfume." River says slyly. He made telling them that look so easy but I knew it was hard for him. But seriously, perfume?!

"Oh!" They both say in sync. River and I laughed. We loved how they said the same thing at the same time. It made them so alike.

"Guess what! If you get downstairs before mommy and I do you get to have ice cream after school!" River says making me look at him like a crazy woman. ICE CREAM AFTER SCHOOL?! He was laughing as he saw my reaction at the corner of his eye.

Both the kids sprinted down the stairs giggling.

"What? They had to leave somehow." River says giving me a kiss on the cheek and then putting on his shirt.

"Well yeah. But, you didn't have to give them ice cream!" I yell making him laugh even more.

"I love you Ems." River says pecking my cheek as I walk out of the room.

"Love you too."

++End Of Dream++

"He needs to be in the ER now!" I hear a nurse yell. River was being untied from his tubes. Somehow his body was lightly moving and nurses were freaking out.

"What's happening?!" I yell. A nurse looks at me giving me a smile.

"You're husband is going to make it." That's when tears fell down my cheek. He was going to live! YAY!


I sit on the black couch waiting to hear anything from the doctors. It's been about 4 hours and still there was nothing. I was getting scared. I will admit that. But, I knew it was worth it.

"You May see him. He's awake." That's when tears were falling down my cheeks. He's alive! HE'SALIVE!

I run past the doctor with tears still streaming down my cheeks. I burst open the door to see the love of my life.




Love ya!

Love ya!

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