Chapter: 7 (part 1/2)

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"We're going to Paris."

I just sit there in awe. PARIS?! The city of love?! He's trying too hard. What man takes their wife on a surprise honeymoon to PARIS?! That's like, AMAZING. Okay, at times River can really be dreamy.

I mean look at him. He has a gorgeous build made from the gods. He has jet black hair, he is 6 foot. Possibly taller. His jawline could cut your finger off. And then his eyes... those gorgeous... stunning... sexy... eyes. Oh lord... you made a wonderful person.

"Ems, are you okay? Your drooling." He laughs as I quickly wipe my drool away.

"I'm perfectly fine. What are you talking about?" I ask as I sit up tall and straight in pride.

He just laugh as he starts to unbutton his shirt.

I feel myself start to drool again but this time I quickly turn away and stare at the bed. He laughs once again.

"Did you have some wine without telling me or something? Or are you feeling very moody today Ems?" He asks while he laughs.

"How about you shut up. And let me fall asleep." Now he gives me daggers.

What the hell did I do?!

"Ummm..." that's all I can spit out.

"You said we could make love if I told you where we were going for our honeymoon. Now, I told you where. Did you lie to me Ems?" He slowly walks towards me shirtless. He had changed into his ripped jeans while I wasn't looking. He gives me a hard long look.

"I-I-I didn't lie. I was just... persuading you!" I point at him as he looks t me deeply for a moment. His face is confused.

Suddenly he pounces on me. Tickling me.
I can't stop laughing. He tickles me on my stomach. He knows that's my weak spot sadly.

"R-Riv-v-ver! Get off of me!" I yell as I try to push him away. But now he is getting even more forceful with tickling me. Now I really can't stop laughing. Until finally I slap him right across the face.

Now he is taken a back. Until out of no where we both look over at the window to see about 50 teenage girls with signs that say 'River! We love you!' Or 'I ship River and Emmer sooo hard!' While some of them are even taking photos of us.

"Damn." He mutters.

"I didn't know girls loved you so much."

"Me neither Ems."

"You should close the curtain." I wink. He just scoffs at me unhappy that HE has to close the curtain.

He walks over slowly to the window as it blinds him. I laugh a little as he tries to not be blinded by the light. Once he notices I laughed at him he gives me daggers and I cough it off.

Suddenly the window is being pounded by all of the teenage girls as he gets closer.
He gives them the middle finger and closes the curtains. He looks satisfied with himself.

"Did you seriously just give them the middle finger?!" I practically yell. My face was in the shape of an o.

"Maybe." He scoffs as he walks towards the bed.

He quickly get under the covers and winks at me.

"Aren't you going to change out of that dress." He asks.

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