Chapter 7*

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Ah, yes, chapter 7? What's with that? Wasn't there already a chapter 7? Yes, yes, but I changed some things and deleted a chapter that I felt didn't fit with the flow of the rest of the story. I'm kinda going through and editing out some of the stuff that made me not want to write this story, because it was off in some way or another. So, yep, this is actually a new chapter.

"What do you think you're doing here?" Cassandra snapped, taking a step toward the center of the room, anger building a cloud behind her lowered brows.

"I told you I'd be back to see you soon." Robert casually moved forward, tossing a pair of riding gloves to the floor with fluid nonchalance. "I was invited for the. . .celebrations." His gaze raked over her with appreciative slowness, a single brow raised suggestively. "Perhaps you and I could have a little. . .fun of our own." He licked his lips.

"You've come to the wrong place, Robert. This isn't whorehouse where you can supply your needs, so take your filthy insinuations and get out." Cassandra's fingers closed over the handle of the letter opener tucked in her pocket.

He laughed carelessly. "Or what? You'll call for help? You and I both know what that would do to your already tattered reputation." He moved closer. "Go ahead." There was an unmistakable taunt behind his words. "Call. It'll only prolong this moment."

"You honestly think you'll be able to get away with waltzing into my home like a common thief?" Cassandra scoffed at him. "Please, you insignificant, little fool, you've spent far too long listening to cheap women stroking your already considerable ego." Suddenly, she was aflame with anger. Who did he think he was? "What did you think? I'd welcome you with open arms? Let me just tell you: hell will freeze first!"

"I had no intention of being received well." Robert spoke tightly, and she could see that her words had affected him. "Riding is so much less exhilarating if the creature has been tamed by another. Trust me, by the time I've finished, you'll be begging for more, and who knows? Perhaps I'll grace you with a second round. Although, I'm sure a cheap doxy from the docks would please me far more."

"How dare you!" She spat, anger building like ominous clouds within her until she shook with the effort to contain herself. "If you so much as touch me, I'll sever your fingers from your unfortunate hand and feed them to my dog!" Her voice rose in volume as she gained momentum.

Robert's wrist flicked out before she had time to catch the movement, and his riding crop cut across her face with burning pain. Jerking away from the hurt, she tripped over the desk and fell backwards. Stars blurred her vision as her head connected with something hard on the way down, and she was numbly aware that she had lost her grip on her knife.

"I believe I'm going to enjoy this more than I'd anticipated." Through the pounding in her head, she could hear the pleasure in Robert's voice.

Wincing at the pain, she turned over, glaring defiantly up at him. He grinned viciously, dark passion lurking behind his gaze as he looked down at her. Moving slowly as though he had all the time in the world, he removed his fine riding jacket and loosened his cravat, his eyes never leaving her.

Her rage built as warm liquid trickled down her cheek, and her hand unconsciously searched for something with which she could defend herself. He had actually struck her! No man had ever touched her in such a way, and the thought that one had dared infuriated her.

"Now, that's more like it." Robert leered down at her as he tossed aside his cuff links. "I wouldn't want to be uncomfortable for this." He moved toward her, undoing the restraining buttons of his vest as he walked.

Pushing herself away from his approach, she searched her surroundings for something to give her a means of defense. In shifting position, her hand pressed down on something hard. She recognized her father's ornate paper holder without looking. She had played with it often in recent periods of boredom, and her fingers closed over its familiar bulk just as Robert reached her.

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