Chapter 21

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    "I'm so sorry! I do so hope you'll be able to forgive us!" Irene bit her lip. "You see, we've given the Fergus Dinner Party annually since our father was lord of Fergus House. It's sort of snuck up on us this year. I was hoping to invite you all to come anyway—trust me, a night in society makes me feel like I need a long, long bath, and it would be so comforting to have you there. Instead, you'll just be at our house already." She shrugged, smiling hopefully.

    "Of course we don't mind!" Cassandra snorted softly.

    Funnily enough, fine dining rooms and ballrooms had been home to her for so long, she'd almost found herself missing London's social events. There had been a few times when she was sitting beside Lavinia, who could contentedly read a book for hours, that she found herself anticipating something to disrupt the monotony.

    "I shouldn't like to think we were intruding." Lavinia said hesitantly. "You'll have so many other guests to take care of, and we're certainly not the most important people you could invite. You could move us to less convenient rooms if you'd like." A slightly perturbed expression crossed her features—presumably at the idea of attending a large social event surrounded by a group of social elites. Truly, the quiet, relaxed life of a country solicitor's wife suited her.

    "I wouldn't dream of it! You're the most important people to Charlie and I, and you won't be in the way. I'm sure everyone we've invited is old enough to look after themselves." Irene laughed. "I am ever so happy that you'll both be here, though. I can readily admit that I often find myself far out of my depth playing the hostess of some great party. The duties of it all are so overwhelming. I would far rather just attend."

    "We'll help in whatever way we can." Lavinia smiled gently. "Although, Cassandra is far more practiced in hosting parties than I. I don't believe I even know what I should wear. . .or if I, in fact, have something appropriate for the occasion."

    "Obviously, I don't want to burden of you with my responsibilities! I don't need too much help, either. Despite my sudden thoughtlessness, I have had months to prepare." Irene laughed. "I learned the hard way a long time ago that it's better to be ready in advance. Social events tend to sneak up on me." A rosy blush touched her cheeks. "And I will admit that it took me a few days to work up the courage to say something to you."

    "What did you think we would do? Leave?" Cassandra said wryly, raising a brow.

    "I really don't know what I was expecting." Irene laughed. "Don't worry, Lavinia: there'll be plenty of time to make some alterations to one of your existing gowns if we need to. Of course, you'll look absolutely stunning whatever you wear, and we have until Saturday." She whet her lips, looking away from them guiltily.

    "Five days?" Lavinia straightened, raising her brows in surprise. "You're cutting a little close to the deadline, don't you think? What if either of us had needed a new gown?" There was a glimmer of annoyed amusement in her eyes.

    "As I said, it sort of snuck up on me. I'm sorry to say I would have waited even longer if Charlie hadn't forced me to tell you today." Irene looked between them apologetically.

    "I for one will welcome the challenge." Cassandra raised a brow. "I know just the dress you should wear, Livy, and I've plenty to choose from! No one here is likely to know if I've worn it to another party, and even if we look a little outdated, I don't expect the ballroom will be filled with people who know the latest styles in Parisian fashion."

    For once, she would be attending a party where no one knew who she was. She wasn't entirely sure if the thought made her excited or nervous. In fact, she wasn't sure all of a sudden if she really wanted to get involved in the whole social mess again.

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