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It's been two weeks since I sprained my leg and it has finally heeled. Right now, we were all watching a scary and movie and I was clinging onto Duncan for dear life, scared.

"He's coming out of the woods with a big, hacking chain saw. That's so cool!" Izzy yelled, jumping off her seat.

"Oh no! Psycho killer man is going for the car!" Owen exclaimed, pointing at the screen and I clutched, Duncan's shirt.

"Yo, fool couple. Stop making out and start the car!" LeShawna threw a handful of popcorn at the movie screen.

"They're going to be chainsaw, sushi!" Izzy yelled and suddenly a women screams, me eyes shut tightly as I begun to shake.

""Oh great Canadian cheese! Now the car won't start!" Owen yelled, falling onto his knees.

"Oh, man, I hate scary movies!" Dj admitted, me nodding along, agreeing with him.

"Run! The psycho's gonna get you!"

"Here comes the blood fest!" Gwen cheered as the killer walked up to the car with his chainsaw, his ski mask bloodied.

"Aw! The chainsaw psycho is going back to the woods.! He's getting away!" Izzy cheered, raiding her arms before jumping into Owens. "Izzy loves scary movies!"

"So does, Owen."

"Whoo! Am I ever glad that's over. I really hate scary movies." DJ wiped his brow, relieved along with myself.

"Me too."

"Oh, yeah. What scares you most?" Duncan asked. "The part where everyone meets a grisly death or a psycho killer with the HOOK?" I screamed as Duncan brought out a hook, clinging onto Dj and glaring at Duncan who laughed.

"Oh, come on, Deej and Diana. For a slasher flick, it's pretty tame." Gwen said as she took out the movie from the movie player and placed it back in its cover.

"Yeah, there was barely any hacking. Not like bloodbath 2, summer camp reign of terror."

"No way! That's my favourite movie." Gwen exclaimed as the two stared at each other with grins. "I love when the killer jams that guys hang into the lawn mower."

"Or when he pushes the chic off the dock and then she lands on the propeller blade that slices her in half." Duncan said as they remember their favourite parts from the movie, me clinging onto DJ as we shook.

"Or when he shoves that big dudes head inside the wood chipper!" They shouted together, DJ and I jumped, whimpering.

"Aw, looks like Gwen and Duncan have more in common than bad fashion sense." As I though about, I realised that they actually did have a lot in common, more so than I did with Duncan. A weird feeling settled in my stomach as I though about it, not liking it at all. "Its just mindless guts and gores."

"Horror movies aren't mindless." Gwen defended her favourite movie theme.

"Yeah," Duncan agreed, the two standing together. I glared at Gwen, not liking how close she was to my boyfriend. "They're loaded with psychological trauma. Look at Dj and Diana." I glared at Duncan, sticking out my tongue playfully, which he just laughed at.

"Whatever!" Heather rolled her eyes. "Does anyone know what our challenge would be this week?"

"Yeah. Where's the Chris Meister?" Geoff asked. We heard the engine of the boat switch on and turned to look at the docks were Chef was loading bags into the boat.

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