Chapter Twelve

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Turning, I met the eyes of all nine very attractive men, all varying in age.

Words could not express my feelings at that very moment.

I whipped around and looked straight into his eyes.

Only if I could smack that smile off Rye's face...

Something better came to mind and I couldn't help but smirk.

In a menacing dry tone I said, "your drought starts now..." And huffed, enjoying my victory of the situation.

Strutting over to the only empty black chair at the head of the oval table, I sat down, folding my legs.

The embarrassment was gone and my anger was fleeting. Devilish thoughts ran free through me, filling me with evil ideas. Now with sex off the table, I could now think without distraction. I was starting to finally feel like my old self again.

Several of the men looked at me then Rye, all of them speaking in different languages.

Rye addressed them personally, speaking fluently in their native tongue. I recognized a few but didn't understand what he was saying. There was the harsh language of German, the angry tone of Russian, the quick sounds of Chinese and Japanese. The rest sounded maybe European? and then there was Spanish...

Growing up, I had heard spanish on a daily basis and pick up some of it.

I depicted the word dog and disobedient out of the mix of gibberish and immediately didn't like the sound of it...

Rye's POV

What drought?
Oh...he probably meant sex. No cumming. Drought. I get it.

Jason. Dear god, he was digging himself into a deeper hole. The sooner he realized who ran this place, the better. It seems to me that everybody knows who I am, the power I hold, and what I'm capable of except him.

It turns me on, watching him rebel against my authority and walk around like his life is in his own hands, but the truth his I own him...

It was cute watching Jason's ass strut over to my chair and plop down. It was even cuter that he thinks he controls when we have sex!

I looked out at all my trusted subordinates from around the world reporting back to me. All had interesting news to share, info that was important to my social standing...

Jason's POV

I watched unamused as Rye conducted business standing. At least that's one small win...

The blond German along with the the Brazilian looking man kept winking at me and chuckling to each other when I blushed.

The others caught on and started teasing me.

It came to the point were I couldn't look up anymore.

Then I got an idea...
I looked up at them, my eyes big and innocent. I pushed one of my shoulders forward so my toga sleeve slid down my arm, exposing half my chest. I licked my bottom lip ever so slightly then bit it.

I had the whole rooms attention now. I laughed flirtatiously and winked at Rye.

Rye did not find this amusing.

He slammed his fist against the table and walked over to my chair. He spun it so I faced him and placed his hand on my upper thigh. Leaning in slowly he kissed me.

I mean he really kissed me. His lips were needy and gentle at the same time, his tongue slipped in and I melted. After he pulled away I was breathless and star struck.

His lips brushed against my ear as he whispered, "leave before I have to claim my property in front of them..."

Ryes red headed assistant sneaked into the room at that moment, carting drinks. I had previously ordered a freshly squeezed lemonade from the dazzling man and everybody else got some kind of alcohol... The news must have been harsh.

All through the meeting Ryes facial expression had changed from angry to disappointment, there was no in between. As soon as Mr. Luke entered the conference, Rye walked away, continuing his conversation.

His threat lingered in the air, leaving me baffled. Should I believe him?

Mr. Luke gave everybody their drinks, and stumbled forward toward me, splashing my drink all over my body in the process. I gasped and stood up. I was wet, sticky and startled. I looked at Rye, my drink dripping from the tips of my black hair.

He cleared his throat, glared at me and hurried over to my side. By the look of everybody in the room, I knew my makeshift clothes were see through. Grabbing me by the arm, he took me away from the room and its crazy people. I swore as I was rushed out of the room I saw Mr. Luke smile.

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