Chapter 1- Suicide bridge

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Riley's POV

"Come on," Mitch my boyfriend of four years plead. We had been dating since I was 14, making me 18 years old now. It was still light outside but would be getting darker within the next half an hour. I got out of Mitch's black car making him smile in triumph. It got to the point I had locked him out the car, which didn't work as he had the keys but it was still worth a try.

"Why are we doing this again? I really, really don't want to go," I groaned as we got to the entrance that would lead us towards the base of the bridge. "For fun," he replied staring forwards determinedly. Fun? I like to explore places, but this was a bit on the creepy side. "You know... we visited LA for fun, which it has been, but on the last day you choose to bring me to a haunted suicide bridge? I don't know where you found this place, but it sure wasn't on Romantic dates dot com," I sarcastically joke trying to lighten the mood. Something was wrong, I could feel it. My hands started to shake anxiously, and I could hear my heartbeat.

Mitch didn't reply, he just kept walking down the path. "Are you okay Mitch? I've known you for like... five years and you have never been like this," I asked him worried. "Just hurry up" he mumbled rolling his eyes. His tone struck me as harsh, he's always been gentle and nurturing and never raised his voice at me. His eyes that were usually a gorgeous golden brown, had a darker tint than usual. Mitch has fairly light blonde hair that is always scruffy at the front. His grip on my arm tightened slowly, hurting me as he kept looking left and right, almost like he was scared he'd be caught doing something wrong.

I decided to keep my mouth shut for now and carry on walking. It was getting darker now especially as we went further down the hill, and the temperature has dropped a lot. I was currently wearing a pair of black short-shorts and a Brooklyn 99 shirt (because that show is the best). I crossed my free arm over my stomach trying to gain a bit of warmth, but it didn't seem work. I would usually hold on to Mitch and hug his tall frame for warmth, but I was to intimidated by him at the moment to think of doing that.

The wind had picked up making the trees and bushes rustle around me. The wind howled in my ears as my hair whipped around my face, an eerie feeling engulfed me. We continued walking in feared silence for a while. It was pitch black now, the only light was from the street lights above, and the slightest orange line from the setting horizon. Mitch was still looking around nervously, not that much was visible without a torch. My heartbeat had quickened, Mitch hadn't been himself over the last few months but I had been shrugging it off as personal problems. "What are you looking for?" I asked quietly, fear was laced in my shaky voice. I could feel my wrist bruising worse where Mitch had been holding it in a death grip.

I stopped walking suddenly making Mitch stop as well, I tugged my arm trying to get him to let go of my wrist. "Mitch, stop this now. What are you doing? Do you know how much you're hurting me?!" I exclaimed as tears broke into my eyes. "I. said. be. quite! " Mitch practically growled while glaring at me. I froze in fear. His usual playful eyes were completely unrecognisable as a stern anger took over them.

His grip once more tightened making me wince in pain. "Mitch please stop," I begged while looking around frantically for a way to escape. He pulled the backpack off his back and started shuffling through it. I took this opportunity to try and get away but he yanked my arm harshly causing me to stumble. I saw some rope and a knife in his bag, oh no no no no. He pulled out some of the rope, and it was incredibly long.

I know for a fact something bad is going to happen. I was shaking as my breathing got more and more irregular. Every so often Mitch would stop and look at different trees, but I was too scared to ask him why. We carried on a little until I saw the end of the path. Tall stone walls were around supporting the bridge and roads. The bridge was directly above and there was a square concrete slab with blankets set out on them. "Are these yours Mitch?" I asked quietly, my voice still clearly shaking nervously.

"Err... sure," he sarcastically said making me know he was lying. "Make yourself comfortable," he smiled like nothing happened. He turned around and went towards the corner leaving me by myself. I flinched as I heard a loud noise from afar. I heard more noises from the path we previously walked down, the sounds were followed by men's voices in the distance.

I have to escape, but I'm trapped. I looked at the tall fence that stood between the path and the water that fled under the bridge. I could try and climb it, either that or sprint past Mitch in the hopes he won't catch me. Both seemed horrific options.

I heard a girl scream from the bridge as men who were closer screamed back. Mitch looked in the same direction as me as fear and worry covered his face. "Crap," he cursed while frantically going through is bag. My whole body froze, I unintentionally held my breath as I felt my heart thump loudly against my chest. "Mitch w-what are you doing?" I stuttered even though it was pretty clear what was about to happen. He grabbed the rope and came towards me, knife pointed towards my chest.

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