Chapter 50- The Moment

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"Sam what's happening?" I sob out of breath when I reach him in the hospital hallway. Elton stopped behind me also out of breath. "A huge rash has covered his neck, stomach, chest and back. It's his body declining the blood, but they're injecting him with antibiotics and hoping that'll help his body take to the blood," Sam explained with an empty sound and look in his eyes. I nodded sadly and sat down on the uncomfortable hospital chairs I'd become too familiar with. "Alright," a doctor said walking out his room which grabbed our attention, "Colby is stable once more, the antibiotics are working but we will be keeping a close eye on him." "Thank you doctor," I said giving him the best smile I could muster up. I stood up and made my way into his room.

My eyes looked in horror as I saw Colby with more wires hooked up to him. His skin seemed paler on the parts that weren't littered in a horrendous rash. I could see it on his uncovered chest and neck. It looked like it would make you want to itch your skin raw. He has some ointment on it, the strong smell filled the air in the room, and it was noticeable that something soothing was on his rashes. "Oh babe..." I said in utter despair while I walked to the hospital chair that sat next to his bed. I held his hand tightly, praying for that moment in all the movies where their hand twitches or squeezed back. But that never happened. This wasn't a movie. This was real life. And the person I love most is miserable and in pain, and there's nothing i could about it. His cold hand that was usually so comforting and warm was limp in mine. I couldn't help but choke on the sobs that escaped my mouth. "Please Colby. P-please come back t-to me," I cried. I didn't care if the boys heard me. I sobbed loudly. I couldn't hold it in any longer. "Please, please," I whispered while leaning my head on his hand on the bed.


Another 8 days had past. Colby's rashes have gone and he's taking to the new blood well. I haven't left the hospital as I was too scared something would go wrong when I wasn't there again. So I ate, showered and slept here. The boys would visit me everyday. Sam would stay the longest, I felt pained for him. They've been brothers for so many years, I can tell he's trying to be strong but he's hurting.

Its 11pm and I'm watching the haunted grave yard YouTube video that the boys posted. We were so happy. Sam and Corey had left a few hours ago, like always when visiting hours were over and only one person could stay overnight.

But that's when it happened.

The happiest moment of my life.

The moment where I felt my breath come back to my lungs.

The moment that made everything worth it once more.


His voice was so weak and fragile. So quiet I don't know if I actually heard it. My head snapped in his direction and I swore my eyes deceived me. "Colby?" My voice cracked as his gorgeous blue eyes stared at mine weakly. Oh his eyes, I've missed them. "Oh my gosh," I whispered while placing my hand on his cheek. He nuzzled into my hand slightly while lifting his own on top of mine. "Wha-?" He asked but his voice cut off as he stared around the hospital room in confusion. "You were in an accident baby, you saved me and have been in a coma," I sobbed while hugging him tightly. He held me close but so I wouldn't hurt him. He looked at me tiredly but still leant forward to gently kiss me. My heart raced as he did, I missed his hugs and kisses more than I could ever imagined. "What happened exactly?" He asked me. "I'll answer all your questions in a minute, but I have to get the doctors quickly," I explained. He nodded and I hesitated to leave, too scared incase I come back and find out it was all a dream.

I managed to make it to the hall way where I saw a nurse a few doors down doing her night checks. "Excuse me! Colby Brock is awake," I said probably to loudly for this time of night with sick and injured people around me. "Oh my- okay I'll be right there," she replied frantically while walking to the staff room. I walked back and saw Colby's eyes were closed, but as he heard my footsteps he managed to glance at me. "What exactly happened?" His croaky voiced asked me. "Mitch attacked me, but you saved me. But he-" I tried to explain but ended up sobbing once more. Colby squeezed my hand in comfort to tell me to carry on. "He stabbed you," I finished and Colby looked down.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking at me worriedly. I couldn't help but chuckle in disbelief. "Me? Colby you got stabbed for me, you nearly died because of me. You've been in a coma for fifteen days, because of me! You're the one lying in a hospital bed," I said which made him smile slightly. "And I'd do it all again if it meant you were safe," he muttered.

"Hi Colby, I'm your doctor. I need to check your vitals and do a few tests to check your brain activity and memory," the doctor said while giving a reassuring smile. "If you don't mind stepping out, we'll do the tests and let you know when you can come back in," the doctor asked me. I nodded but didn't like the idea of leaving him just yet. But I complied and gave Colby a quick kiss before leaving the room.

I sat on the usual waiting room chairs and pulled out my phone. I pressed on Sams contact and brought the phone to my ear.

"Riley? What's happened? Is Colby okay?" Sam's tired voice rushed out. "Sam, he's awake," I said with a grin plastered on my face. "Really?" Sam happily voice shouted. "Yes, he's just getting tests done for his vitals and stuff," I laughed at Sams shouting. "I'm going to go tell everyone else. Tell him I'm so happy he's okay, and we'll all be up to see him at 6am as soon as the hospital opens to the public," he excitedly replied as I hear him opening the doors around the house. "Okay, goodnight Sam," I say in which he replies with the same.

I sat in the waiting room for about an hour, making it 12:30am when the doctor and nurse emerged from his room. "Alright, he's stable and we've taken some drips out. At the moment he just needs a lot of rest. Mentally he seems fine but he is a bit hazy with his memory from the day of the accident. Although we're certain he will remember the event soon enough. We've filled him in on his injuries and medical state at the moment. You should count yourself very lucky," the doctor kindly explained while giving my arm a comforting squeeze. "Doc I can't thank you enough, for everything you've done," I replied while tearing up. "It's my job, and this is why I love doing it. Now go in there, he's been asking for you," the doctor chuckled while motioning towards Colby's room. I nodded and gave him a last smile before going into the hospital room. Colby was sat up a bit more now and had less wires around him, just a main drip in his arm and a heart rate monitor on his finger.

The colour had returned to his face more now, I just couldn't help but stare at him. "Ri?" He asked looking at me. "Sorry, I just can't believe you're awake," I admitted while walking towards the bed. "Here..." he gestured to the bed while trying his best to slide across to give me room to lay down. "Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you-" I started but he cut me off, "Please." I nodded and slid in the covers next to him. Finally feeling his usual warmth radiating off him once again.  I draped my arm over his torso as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "I'm not going anywhere, I promise," he muttered while kissing me on the top of the head.

Colby Brock- HeroOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant