Chapter 53- Home Sweet Home

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Elton pulled into the driveway of the mansion as we conversed normally. The hospital was only about 10-15 minutes away, so it wasn't a long drive. I got out of the car quickly and opened Colby's door. I offered my hand to help as he pulled himself out the car with ease. I grabbed the bags filled with the hospital stuff and followed behind the guys towards the house. Elton unlocked the door while laughing at something Colby said, I wasn't really listening to their conversation.

"Surprise!" Was screamed at us as the door opened. "Welcome home Colby!" The housemates and a few friends continued shouting and cheering. A banner that read 'Welcome Home' and streamers hung over the hallway corridor. "Guys, you didn't have to do this," Colby said pleasantly surprised. He looked at me confused I shrugged my shoulders having no idea this was planned. "Come sit down brotherrr," Corey said while motioning for Colby to come sit down in the kitchen. Pizza boxes were scattered on the tables but hadn't been opened yet. Bottles of coke and lemonade, along with a variety of beers were all on one of the kitchen sides. "Seriously guys, thank you. You didn't have to do this," Colby said smiling brightly, oh I missed that smile. He sat down on the kitchen chair then pulled me by my waist to I was standing next to him. I ran a hand through his hair trying to fix the stray pieces that stuck up in different directions. Colby smiled a lazy grin up at me which I returned, he was happy and safe again.

Someone turned the radio on as the small party got a bit crazier. People danced and shouted, smiling and laughing. Colby stayed comfortably on the seat and chatted to people who were choosing slices of pizza. They all asked how he was and various questions about the injury. Colby replied without much hesitation, he was open about the accident at least. Kat, Devyn and I all chatted as they munched on some pizza.

"Nice to be home?" Devyn asked and I nodded quickly. "I won't miss the hospital ward," I giggled while grabbing a single slice of pizza for myself, I can't eat too much or I'll get fatter. Colby still held onto my waist closely while having his conversations, his arm rested on the chair then snaked around my waist. "Colby seems happy," Kat mentioned knowing Colby was too involved with his own conversation to take any notice of us talking about him. "Yeah, I think his health will sky rocket now he's out the hospital," I replied looking down at him with a small smile. "That's great," Devyn answered with a bright smile. "And how are you doing? It was traumatic for you too," Devyn asked again. To be honest... it was a good question. I've been so involved and worried with Colby's condition, correctly so, that I've hardly thought about myself. I was held with a knife to my neck, I could of easily died right there and then. I shook the thoughts from my head and plastered on a smile, "I'm okay, can't wait to have a nice, comfortable sleep and just relax for a bit," I answered half truthfully. The girls nodded but I could tell there was an uneasiness to whether they believed me. The party/gathering was over by 3pm and I could tell Colby was tired and needed to rest for a bit.

"Wanna go to sleep for a bit?" I asked him quietly. I was now sitting sideways on his lap as I rested against his chest. I was scared to hurt him but he assured me he was fine. "Yeah," he tiredly mumbled as his chin rested on my head. "I'll help you up the stairs," I yawned while getting off his lap and holding my hand out to help him up. He smiled a tired thanks to me in return. "Going upstairs to rest for a bit," I told the roommates who were laying around in the tv room. "Okay, nice to gave you back Colby," Sam called as we walked towards the stairs. "Love you bro," Colby laughed as he started taking the first few steps up the stairs. I held onto him incase, and he held onto me for support.

Eventually we got to the top of the stairs laughing at the amount of effort it took. We finally made it to Colby's room, and it didn't take long for him to flop stomach down on his bed. Luckily he was wearing sweatpants and a comfy top. I on the other hand wore jeans and a crop top, something I was not prepared to sleep in. "Can I steal one of your hoodies?" I tiredly asked. "Of course," Colby replied with his voice muffled from the pillows. I took my crop top off and pulled one of his many hoodies over my head and shoulders. It fell to above my knees like usual and smelled of his familiar cologne. I shimmied out my jeans and stumbled over to Colby. He was laying normally now under the covers facing the ceiling. At least he respected me enough not to looks when I was changing. "Good to be back?" I asked quietly while crawling in next to him. "You have no idea," he whispered as sleep took over him slowly. I snuggled into his side and fell to sleep instantly too.


Colby's been home now for a week and a half and it's safe to was getting back to normal again. Colby has been exercising daily and can now freely walk around by himself and do most movements. Only sometimes he feels a bit of pain in his back. I still change the bandages on his back every day morning and night. But the wound has healed nicely and has scarred over now, so I doubt I'll have to be bandaging it for much longer. Colby has written a statement to his fans to say he'll be back to normal next week with posting, and the next video will be him explaining his absence. I'm going to film the video with Colby as it means a lot to us that the story is told correctly and so there's more than one point of view. I was nervous for the fans to know the real story, but the truth would always come out in the end.

I was just happy to see everyone around me smiling again. These weirdos that I call my roommates mean the world to me and I don't know where I'd be without them, especially my Colby.

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