There's More to it

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We went to the park after picking up Aiden from school. Meeting his aunt and uncle was pretty interesting . They acted as if they were terminators and he was John Conner. I thought he'd get scared because he's to young for that movie but he liked it. And now wants to watch it.

Ring ring ring ring

"Uh hey it's me?"

"Yea I know " I mean I do have caller ID Casper" hold on I'll get Aiden"

I looked around the playground for him until I saw him running from Oliver . Of course "Aiden come here hunny" I yelled.

He came running towards me" yes mommy" I mouthed it's your dad and his face lit up.

"Hello daddy ?" Aiden said over the phone. I put it on speaker. What I just wanted to make sure nothing bad is said.

"What's up buddy how was your day ?"

"It was okay I got in trouble"

"Ah a little rebel are we ?"

He started to laugh and I looked at him with an eyebrow up " no it's just there's this guy at my school and he won't stop making fun of me so I told him about you and he said I'm making it up"

"who is this kid ? What's his last name? How dare he" he sounded pissed. He would be the one to go down to that school and beat anyone who talks bad. I would know he used to do that for me until.

"Casper stop " I said to calm him down a bit.

"Look buddy how about I go to your school and we show that little boy that you would never lie "

"Oh really dad really you'll come ? "
He looked up at me with a giant grin on his face jumping up and down.

"uh um yes I will be here , I have to go now"
and he hung up.

That was usually how it went he'd hurry off the phone like that. Never really gives an answer to why but I'm guessing it's just some work things.

Aiden is playing with Oliver on the playground while Darcy and I are sitting on a bench.

"He's a cute kid" Darcy said looking at Aiden smiling.

"Ya he's pretty awesome to "

"Look I know you probably think it's weird that we're here but if you knew the truth then you'd understand" she said not even looking at me.

"What do you mean the truth ?"

"There's a lot you don't know Charlie and I can't tell you. It's not my place." She looked at me a faked a small smile.

"I'm going to hang out with him , who knows when the next time I'll see him is maybe another 5 year" laughing she got up and started walked to Aiden.

I know I said I wanted to prove my innocence but something tells me there's more to this than meets the eye.

..Ring ring ring.....

Oliver's phone began to ring. I grabbed it and started to call his name but cut off when I saw it said big brother.

Okay I shouldn't answer it . But then again. Uggh. I opened the phone and a i heard was a

"We need to talk"

Crap what to I do now.

What did I do. I faked an accent that what I did.

"Uh hello sorry Mr. Drake can't come to the phone " I said in my bad accent.

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