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(Charlie's POV)

We're now siting in the living room . Jorge and Casper on one couch and I'm on the other. I felt like they should be together considering they like to have secrets together.

"What do you want to know ?" Casper asks


He looks like he's holding back but i can't do this anymore I don't want anymore secrets coming out. I'm going insane.

"Okay, I uh I put cameras in your house" he half smiles.

"I think we already figured that out"

Casper and Jorge look at each other sharing a weird look.

"See that right there why are you guys looking at each other like that? Why can't you just tell me what's going on? Why is there cameras in my house? why you feel the need to hire someone to watch me and why someone took our son?"

He sighs deeply before answering "I put the cameras in your house because...I think someone wants to hurt you"

"You think? Why would you think that?"

"Idk because your super good looking" he jokes

I stand up ready to leave "you really think this is a good time to joke?"

He grabs be by the arms and pulls me so I can sit back down "I'm sorry okay I just don't want you to worry, I'll figure it out ."

"This is much more bigger than me and you Casper so please save the whole you don't need to know everything act and spill"

He looks at me in my eyes for a while before rolling his eyes "fine....where do you want me start"

"Uh the beginning" I said crossing my arms.

"Okay okay ...5 years ago I got this crazy ass call. It was a man I think I couldn't really hear the call was distorted or something. He said something about the flowers.

"What about the flowers?" I asked.

"The Daisy's  are burning from a fire started by someone else"

"What does that mean?"

"I had no idea I thought it was a cracked out guy messing with me."

"And What does this have to do with me?"

"everything. I kept thinking what he couldn't mean. Then it hit me The flowers are you Charlie. You got burned because someone else framed you. I found Diego and had a little uhh talk with him"

"So you found out i wasn't cheating and then what"

"And then that's it"

That's is that's the truth I have never been more confused in my life.

"So why didn't you say anything?"

"Because everything happened so fast before I knew it I was being forced to marry Veronica."

"Oh poor you, I was a single mother whose husband kicked her out flat with no money I might  add"

His tone got really loud" What was I supposed to do everything was right in front of me , my mother was telling me things and you were pulling away from me I didn't know what to think"

Again this man made my blood boil to the point where I couldn't stop my self from yelling at him " Maybe trust me. I was your wife your best friend. You didn't think I was pulling away because I was dealing with something? I found out I was pregnant I didn't know how you'd react. I was scared I mean look at how you treated me I felt like trash like I meant nothing to you"

He looked taken back. He just sat there and stared at me " I'm sorry I know I can't take back what I did to you and I beat my self up everyday over it."

He came over to me and grabbed my hands and looked at me in my eyes " but I never want you to feel like your nothing because your everything someone can ask for your a stronger person than you take credit for. I mean you basically raising our son , he's an awesome little guy by the way and you didn't need anyone. I know I promised not to leave you and I will do everything in my power to make it up to you and Aiden."

A coughing like sound came from the other couch. We turned to look and it was Jorge looking everywhere but at us. Freaking Jorge.

We straightened our selfs up "But that's not all." Jorge said.

I looked at Casper who started taking " a couple weeks ago when you came to my brother he told me everything"

"And you believed him and not me ?"

"Yes well no I mean whoever took the money the first time is still doing it.There are plans I found. The money is being used in an account marked Amelia. There building something ,something big and whatever it is has illegal things being shipped to it"

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't get much further than that when I tried looked it locked me out. I tried asking my parents but they have no idea what I'm talking about telling me I'm over reacting. After that i got messages threatening me telling me to do as they say or they will hurt you."

"And you believed them?"

"They went through all that to frame you what makes you think they wouldn't hurt you "he said

"What did they tell you to do ?"

"Told me to leave you alone and continue with marrying Veronica"

"Why would they ask you to do that?"

"I don't know. It's all my fault everything. I wasted 5 whole years for nothing if I would if just looked more I would of found this out a lot sooner"

He stood up and punched the wall. He held his now bleeding knuckles.

"It's not your fault Casper , someone is stealing from you someone inside the company. But there not getting away with taking our kid we're going to get him back"

"We still don't even know who it is if we get this wrong then everything is gone"

"Well we know who to start with. Who's the one person who wanted you to marry Veronica in the first place?"

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