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         "I need you." Nick breathed. I looked to him with wide eyes. My heart was beating, finally, with happiness. I had Nick back and it seemed as if everything was fine again. I willed my excitement to calm down, but it was just no use.

"Nick." I said his name with relief and victory before scrambling forward and rocketing in to his arms. He caught me, he always did. His arm was like a blanket, it was safety and everything I needed.

"Steady on." He warned, but his arms grasped my body tightly as if he was scared I was going to vanish any second now.  He sighed as he laid his nose in my hair. My face was squeezed against his body and literally, I didn't want to be anywhere else.

We stayed in that embrace for what felt like hours but in reality it was only a few minutes. I wanted to stay in his arms forever and never let him go. Him leaving only showed me that I loved this man more than anything and I was never prepared to let him leave me again.

And I meant it.

Forgetting Xavier and Emily were still in the apartment, reality came flooding back to me once I heard a small giggle coming from Emily's mouth. I opened my closed eyes and saw her and Xavier standing before us, smiles on their faces.

"This is the best day ever." Emily gushed.

"Have you forgotten about our wedding day?" Xavier grumbled in reply, but his eyes were a light with humour. Emily only giggled but the loving look she gave her husband told us everything we needed to know. Their day was magical because she was marrying the love of her life.

Would Nick and I ever marry? It was still too soon to be thinking of that but one day I kind of wish we would.

I couldn't really ever imagine my life with somebody else. Not after Nick, not after what he has given me.

The four of us moved from the kitchen and made our way in to the living room. Over coffee, we all talked as if nothing had happened previously. It felt surreal but the hurt was still there, deep inside my bones. I wanted to get over it now I knew what had happened and why Nick did what he did but I just couldn't make sense of it all.

Did he really get someone to kill the man who raped me? I didn't even know he had that streak in him. Was it something I could even live with?

I tried to shake away all of my thoughts. I had Nick back and I didn't ever want to let him go. Ever.

My head was a mess and a lot had happened in the last few days. I felt as if my world was spiralling out of control whilst it was trying to piece itself back together again. I was now in some sort of bitter sweet bliss and I didn't know what to make of it all.

When did life start to become easier?

"Nick, you were so stupid to let her go in the first place." Emily's voice pierced through the air like a knife and we all turned to look at her. She sat there, her face a mixture of happiness but also annoyance at Nick.

Nick didn't say a word. He couldn't. He didn't want to tell his family about what he had done and also about my own back story. We were both hiding things and it didn't necessarily feel good.

"Come on, Cathy, I'll take you home." Nick got up from the sofa he was perched on, his body a mass of lean muscle and sexiness.


As I was speaking, Nick gave me a glare to tell me that he wanted me to follow him. Emily stared his way but Nick didn't pay any attention to it. I followed him out of his apartment and I followed him down to his truck on the driveway.

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