Our Little Secret

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A year later Danny was playing in the Fentons basement where the lab was when they went upstairs and Jazz was at school.

"Vroom!" He crashed his toy cars together playfully.

He knows some English but still struggled and talks in Romanian a lot.

He slid the cars across the floor and accidentally his the table that was next to him.

He didn't notice the chemicals of ghost DNA on the table and bumped it again and the open jar spilt and the DNA spilt on dannys head.

"Owey owey." Danny whimpered as the chemicals where dripping off of him but also was combining into his own.

"Danny? Are you okay?" Jazz came down stairs and saw Danny drenched in the ghost DNA chemicals.

"Oh no Danny!" She gasped and ran to her adoptive brother.

"I'm sorry jazzy, I didnt mean to, don't tell mami and Tati." Danny looked up at her with his crystal bright blue eyes.

"Okay, I won't." she said and saw his eyes flash toxic green and back to blue.

"Danny, you have glowing green eyes." she told him with wide eyes. Suddenly white glowing rings appeared around his waist and his white t shirt now was black and his over all a turned silvery white.

"What happened?" He asked scared and saw his eyes where neon green and his hair was snowy white.

"I think your part ghost, look ghost DNA was spilt on you." She looked at the now empty jar.7

"Don't tell mami and Tati! They hate ghost!" Danny pleaded as tears where in his eyes.

"I-I won't, how do you change back?" Jazz asked.

Without warning the white rings appeared again and changed him back to normal.

"What did you do?" Jazz asked interested.

"I just thought about being normal again..." Danny said still worried.

"This will be our secret Danny, I promise." Jazz hugged the little boy.

"If I ever see Dickie again... Can I tell him? He doesn't hate ghost," Danny looked up at her with sad eyes.

"That's up to you little brother." she ruffled his hair making him laugh a little and they went upstairs holding hands and ate dinner with their parents.

His Lil BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now