Don't Hurt Me!!!

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Three years later

Danny's POV


Why do they want to hurt me

I felt absolutely useless... My families dead... Again.

I barely spoke in English now because it's the only thing that made me laugh when they got confused at what I was saying...

I felt no aster.

I was wearing a white t shirt and white pants that ended at my knees and felt like those bed sheet covers.

I whimpered as I took a deep breath as chains made small sounds when I moved.

They where around my bare ankles since I had no shoes, I was cuffed around my wrist and neck as well.

My hair was matted with blood, green and red. Everyday for three years I've been what they call 'have fun'.

I knew how to control my simple powers like ecto black, invisibility, flying, and intangibility.

But that's why I have another collar around my neck.

It electrocutes me when I use my powers unless they want me too, I can only turn into my ghost half.

"Get up freak," an agent walked into my small cell.

I came foward in fear as he walked toward me. He yanked my arm and dragged me away.

I felt hopeless and struggled a little against the agent.

"Lasă- mă să plec, te rog," (Let me go, please) I whimpered and was pinned to a metal table and strapped to it.

I saw an agent, I think agent N, pull a scalpel from a metal tray again.

I screamed and cried and pleaded in Romanian as he dug the sharpe small knife into my flesh. My white clothes no longer white.2

"Shut up you little shit!" Agent N back handed me making me cry harder.

They sewed my abdominal back together but thanks to my powers apparently it will not leave a to deep of a scar... Maybe.

Suddenly an alarm went off and it scared me so bad I turned to my ghost half in fear.

"Get experiment 673 back to its cell and don't let the intruders get-" the speaker was cut off by him screaming and the sound of a fight.

I was grabbed again and they quickly dragged me by my hair to the cell and chained me up again.

They slammed the door closed and I hurt gun shots rang out in the hallway.

' lasa acei nemernici arde în iad' (let those bastards burn in hell) I said in my head hoping one of the agents would die. The door opened up to a man in black and looked like a devil.

"cine esti? ai de gând să -mi facă rău ? te rog doar să mă omori , voi vedea familia mea din nou!"(who are you? are you going to hurt me? please just kill me, I'll see my family again!) I sobbed as I tried to back away and into the wall as he stepped closer.

"Im nu sunt aici să -ți fac rău , im aici pentru a vă salva," (Im not here to harm you, im here to save you) he said gently and I still shook in fear.

What if he's lieing. I felt tears pour out of my eyes as he put a hand on my face and I screamed in fear and shut my eyes close tightly.

"Batman!? What's the hold up?" I heard someone run in.

"Robin, try to calm him down, he speaks Romanian and is petrified if I try to help him." The man said and I opened one eye to see a boy around 13 or 12 in a red shirt and black pants with a cape and mask.

"Numele meu Robin , im aici pentru a ajuta , te va lasa-ma sa iei astea off ?"(My names robin, im here to help, will you let me take these off?)

He's asking me? Why are they being nice? Maybe they really going to free me.

I nodded timidly and he brought out a tool.

I shook in fear and back up to no where, he brought the tool to my ankles and moved it around in the key hole and soon it made a clicking sound and the cuff opened freeing my one ankle.

He did this method to the rest of my cuffs and I pointed to my shock collar.

"It's alright, I'm getting that off." he quickly got it off and when he did he threw it across the ground away from us.

I gasped for a breath as I felt around my neck for the first time in three years it wasn't there.

I looked up at him and felt really weak, I let myself transform back to my human form.

The boy looked at me in shock and put a hand to my cheek.

"Danny?" He asked sadly. Then everything went black.

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