Revenge Is Sweet

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Danny walked in mount justice to see the team all sprawled on the couches and a movie playing credits.

And his candy wrappers everywhere from Halloween.

"Your doomed to me Wally," Danny muttered since he ate probably the most of his candy.

Danny saw Artemis sleeping on the arm rest and Wally on his back on the same couch sprawled out like an octopus.

"Candies sweet but revenge is sweeter," Danny smiled evilly.

And flew over to Artemis and gently grabbed her arm and dragged her over to Wally and laid her on him and watched as they both smiled in their sleep and snuggle up against each other.

"'Don't like him' my butt," Danny mimicked Artemis's words.

"Your a pretty good wing man," Danny squealed in surprised and saw Robin behind him looking at the two.

"How mad will Artemis be?" Danny smirked.

"She likes him," they said at the same time.

"So really mad then," Danny laughed a little.

Danny turned and punched robins arm.

"Ow! Hey!" Robin rubbed the spot where Danny punched him even though it didn't hurt that much.

"That's for eating all the candy," Danny stuck his tongue out at him.

"I didn't eat all!"


"I ate some,"

"Yea, that's what I thought," Danny smiled at his brother as everyone started to wake up.

"Rise and shine~" Danny smiled as Wally woke up first and saw a sleeping Artemis on his chest.

"Danny... You just ordered me a death sentence," Wally looked at Artemis like she would claw his eyes out when she woke up.

"Just being a wing man, doing wing man things," Danny smiled and soon Artemis woke up.

"I can't watch!" Danny covered his eyes.

"But I must peak," he spreaded his fingers so he could see.

"AHHHH! What happened?!" She jumped off him blushing madly.

"Ask him!" Wally pointed at Danny who was laughing.

"You two obviously like each other, I'm just helping," danny laughed and covered his mouth a little.

"Danny!" Artemis gasped still turning red.

"Plus this was my revenge for you all eating my candy," Danny crossed his arms.

"Well played lil bro, well played," Robin looked down at his brother proudly.

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