Chapter 4

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Omega Pov

After Alpha found me and woke about half of the house looking, he carried me back to bed where we lay now. I have never been allowed to sleep this late and I can't seem to do it. I know he knows I'm faking, and I know he's staring at the back of my head. I sigh a turnover to face him.

"Why?", I ask.

"Why what?", he responds confused by my question.

"Why all this?", my voice louder than before, "why do you care now?". I'm shouting now. I boldly meet his eyes.

"Because you're my mate", he's now up and sitting.

"You know what that means to me", I ask now angry, "if I wasn't your mate you would still be beating me". His eyes go wider at mine. Words and he know I am right. Being his mate is the only thing keeping anyone from hurting me. To him and this entire pack I only exist for him. They all respect and care for him. I'm slowly in everyone's eyes no matter what I do. I'm sick of all of this.

"I don't know", his voice is low, and he knows I am right. I don't know where to go from here. I'm just mad. What do I do with this boy? What do I do with myself? Just don't know where to go from here and the uncertainty is killing me. I want a mate I do but, I don't know how to love him. I can't imagine being scared by his side for the rest of my life and I want to feel capable and respected for once. I turn away from him not knowing what to say anymore.
I feel his hand grip my shoulder and turn me on to my back. He is closer to me now.

"I will spend the rest of my life fixing us if I have to", his eyes glisten. His words are nothing but, dedicated. I turn over to face him again.

"Prove it".

The rest of my day passed on uneventfully. He seemed to want me some space. The pack didn't get the memo though. All-day they would try to talk to me as I wandered the halls and then frowned at me bowing. I guess I'm not supposed to behave so submissively. All I know is to see myself below them. I don't think I'm Luna since I rejected the Alpha.
I wander down another hall and run into some boys. I drop my gaze to the floor to avoid conflict.

"Hey, Luna" I guess I will have no such luck. A boy comes to stand in front of me and I realize who he is. This is the boy that dragged me into the entertaining room.

"I just wanted to apologize for everything... We all do" the other boys agree shamefully.

"It's okay," I tell them just wanting to be left alone. I hear them sigh disappointedly.

"Listen we know you rejected Will and we all did some pretty awful things to you but, he is a good alpha and he is trying to fix thing with you. I don't think I've ever seen him care so much about anything or one before not even his self or family". I nod and they make way for me. I continue my way of aimless walking.

After a while, I find myself back at his door. I don't want to go in but, I know if I don't, he could raise a big fuss again. I knock gently. The door swings open in a dramatic whoosh. He smiles down at me, relieved. I guess he thought he'd have to look for me. I bow slightly and step past him. I am mad at him still, however; I know disrespect would be unwise. He sighs and closes the door behind me. I go to the bed and sit down facing away from him.

"Please say something, say anything" he pleads. I sigh and lay down on the bed. He seems to understand and goes off to the couch. I don't stop him.

Hours later and I haven't gotten a wink and I know he hasn't either. I get up and go over to him. He looks up at me hopeful. I lay down mostly on top of him. I can't see myself ever not being fearful of him yet, there is no greater comfort than his arms. I look up at him and he smiles down at me. it's a warm kind of smile. It's unlike the sadistic ones I'm used to. The way he looks at me now feels like home. everything about him is impossible for me. How could such a man make me feel this way? I drift off into a deep slumber.

I wake to realize he moved us sometime in the night to the bed. He kept me on top of him. my legs tangle with his. My fingers grasp at the fabric of his shirt. His hands held me at the back of my neck and the small of my back. The way he holds me even unconscious is like he scared I'll leave. I look up to his face to see his resting face. I remember how not long ago I wished nothing more than to press my lips ever gently into his cheek. I don't think he'd mind if I did that now. Even if I did it's not like he would ever know.

I pull myself up just a bit to where I am level with him. do I want to do this? I am still angry with him. I spend way too much time thinking. Sparks shoot through me. I smile at him and pull back just a bit. His eyes are open and watching me. I blush and bury my head in his chest. He chuckles at me and flips us around. He hovers over me.

"What was that for?", he teases playfully. I avoid his gaze and try to hide my blush.

"I don't know", I murmur, "I've just wanted to for a while".

"You know what I've been wanting to do", I peer up at him curiously, "This". Suddenly his lips are against my forehead, my cheek, the tip of my nose, the nape of my neck, everywhere. He covers down to my shoulder in little pecks. I giggle at him as he does. every little one is filled with pure kindness and care. Then he comes up to eye level with me. His playful smile changes a bit more serious. His lips part a bit and his eyes glance down from my own and then close.

It's unexpected the way he moves against me so passionate and deep. Everything is in that kiss, it is sorrow, joy, pain, guilt, and love.


Things have gotten intense now. We have been playing with each other for hours. I remember how I started this so innocently. I glare intensely at the dice in my hands hoping not to land on one of his spaces. He's got a hotel on the boardwalk and if I land there then this is all over. I drop them down to scared to look. then I hear him whoop in delight. he moves my piece himself.

"You only won because you got the race car and it's luckiest".

"Pfft, darling that was all skill", he gloats, "so what do I win?". I look up at his smug face questioningly.

"You won the game", I say but it comes out more like a question.

"I want a date", he says, "with you". I stare at him wide-eyed.

 I stare at him wide-eyed

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