Chapter 11

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Hope (twelve years ago) Pov

Light filters in through my bedroom windows as the sun rose. Waking up I enjoy the soft warmth on my face. The glow of the morning fills my room. Normally I would go back to sleep but today is Sunday. On Sundays, I get to see Will.
I love Will. Will is my best friend. Our parents think that we'll be mates we grow up. I sure hope so.
"Hope come on it's time to wake up!" My mom calls from downstairs. I push-off my covers and hop out of bed. Practically skipping down the stairs I make my way towards my mom's voice.
She's in the kitchen cooking breakfast with dad. I take a seat at the island and watch as they dance around the kitchen. They're always so happy together. I giggle at them. My dad looks up at me with a smile.
"Are you laughing at us little girl?" He asks, "because I'll give you something to laugh about". My eyes widen as my dad comes over to tickle me. I quickly try to run away and around the island whilst he chases me. My mom chuckles at us and puts a plate of pancakes at my spot. I instantly stop running and sit down to eat breakfast. My dad smiles at mom and I.
We're standing outside Will's house and mom and dad are letting me knock. I put my fist to the door and knock out a little song almost. I hear people moving around inside suddenly the door is thrown open to reveal Will.
He smiles excitedly at me and my parents and I know my face must match his. Lately, since he started school, we haven't been able to see each other as much. I have missed his company and everything else about him. I wish my best friend wasn't so much older than me, but I would not change him for the world.
He's my favorite person in the world. He's always nice to me and plays games with me. He steps out of the house a bit and hugs me. I giggle and wrap my arms around him.
The Alpha and Luna appear behind him. I let go of Will and bow my head in respect. they always tell me I am family and that this is not necessary but, my mom insists that it is proper manners.
"Why don't you guys come on in", says the Luna. We enter the house my parents go off with them to the kitchen and I follow Will up to his room as usual.
"In class, we have learned about how to read it's really exciting and you would like it," Will tells me.
"Nuh-uh, only grownups can read silly".
"Oh yeah?", Will says before pulling a book from his shelf and turning to the first page.
"The tale of Hades and Persephone", he starts, " Aphrodite and Eros were watching Persephone. they were offended since they thought Persephone was on her way to becoming a maiden goddess such as Athena and Artemis so they would have no power over her. then Along Came Hades. Hades had heard the Titan Atlas start to rebel against his captivity and had come to the Earth to find the source of the problem to prevent the Earth from splitting open and allowing light into the underworld".
My eyes remain wide the entire time he tells the story. it is a beautiful story about love and Trust by the end I am craving a pomegranate.
"Well, I hope you are my Hades one day that way we can eat pomegranates and play in gardens forever".
"My mom thinks we'll be mates," he tells me excitedly, "maybe you will be my Persephone one day". I smile at the thought me and Will curl up in bed to take a nap.
Suddenly something startles us from our slumber. it is the sound of sirens. I hear the door opening downstairs followed by crying, it is the Luna. suddenly she comes up the stairs.
"I'm so sorry Hope".
Will's (still twelve years ago) Pov

It has been hard in the past few days since Hopes parents died. the funeral was especially sad. Hope hasn't said a word since hearing the news. I get the feeling she doesn't entirely believe it.
Hope has since moved into the pack house so she has people to take care of her. Still, I want to help Hope more, but I just don't know how.
I tried reading to her more. She's always loved stories. Her parents used to have a giant library and they read to her all the time. Just yesterday I read her the story of The Princess and the Kelpie. It was about how a princess fell in love with a monster. She didn't seem to like that though.
She doesn't want to play anymore either. I don't know how to make her happy again. I'm so angry that there's nothing I can do.
I just want to build a time machine and go back to before that man got into that car drunk and stop him. maybe if he knew what would happen, he wouldn't have done it. but I can't build a time machine and I can't undo what has been done as much as I want too. I just want Hope to be okay soon it hurts to see her like this.
My mom is grieving over the loss of her lifelong best friend. I can see my dad feels the same way about mom as I do about Hope.
Still, I can't help but be grateful that Hope's parents and mine decided to let her sleep over instead of waking her to go home with. them I couldn't bear to lose her.
I don't know what I should say to her but, I am going to the pack house today to see her. I'm thinking about asking my parents if I can move in there to be with her more.
I just want to support her and protect her as much as possible. I feel though that with this tragedy I have already failed her.

 I feel though that with this tragedy I have already failed her

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