Chapter Nineteen

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Kane sat at the kitchen counter, a cup of coffee between his hands. He looked over at Nora, who sat next to him, hastily eating a piece of toast. He wondered how she wasn't choking on the thing, with the speed she was trying to consume it. "Slow down, speed racer," he said between sips of coffee.

Nora laughed and pushed her hair back with her free hand. "Violet will be here any minute."

"I really don't want to do the Heimlich on you," Kane warned with a smile.

Nora pointed at the catalogue on the counter. "Can you focus on picking one please?"

Kane glanced down at the catalogue. Nora was trying to convince him to pick a new colour theme for their room. His style appeared to be too basic for her liking and from Kane's look at Nora's previous room, her preferences included every colour of the rainbow. Kane smiled at the memory of her exceptionally bright room. He liked this. He liked the normalcy of picking out colour schemes and eating breakfast next to his mate. No, they weren't mates in the traditional sense, but things like this made him feel like maybe this really could work out.

"I like this," Nora said around a bite of toast.

She was pointing to a colourful bedspread. Kane shook his head and pointed at a plain black one. "I like this."

Nora rolled her eyes. "Kane, be serious."

"I am being serious," he said. "We could even paint the walls black. How cool would that look? We could be that weird emo couple?"

Nora's eyes widened. "You cannot be serious."

Kane laughed. "Come on, some black eyeliner and I'd fit right in."

Nora shook her head at him. "If you don't pick right now, I'm going to come home with a unicorn bedspread."

Kane feigned shock, his eyes wide and hands up in the air. "Please, don't!"

"Then pick," she said with a smile.

"You pick," Kane told her.

Nora took a moment before pointing to a photo of a bedroom filled with greens and whites. "I like this."

"Then this it is. Go crazy."

Nora smiled. She gulped down the last of her breakfast. "Are you sure that you don't want to come with us? It will be fun?"

He shook his head. "Somehow, the idea of shopping with you, Violet and Amelia doesn't sound that enticing."

"I can bribe you with food?" Nora offered.

Kane shook his head again. "I made plans to hang out with Mason anyway, but thank you for the offer."

The doorbell rang. Kane followed Nora to the front door. She opened it to reveal Violet with a huge smile on her face. "Good morning lovelies," she said before wrapping Kane in a hug and then Nora. "Are you ready to go?" she asked.

Nora nodded. She reached over and grabbed her purse from the side of the couch. "Ready."

Kane pulled Nora in for a hug. It was nice. Violet made a cooing sound as they hugged. Kane shooed her off with the flick of his wrist.

"Have fun with Mason," Nora told him. "Don't get into too much trouble."

Kane smiled and ushered them out the door. He stood near the window and waved them off. As soon as they cleared the driveway, a sudden hit of emotion slammed into him like a brick wall. He felt like a liar. He didn't know why at first, why that guilty feeling hit him so hard.

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