Till Death do us Part

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Hi guys,
Again, I am really sorry for the long update. I am really grateful for all the comments you give me and I am so happy that we reached 15K reads! I love reading your comments and opinions so please carry on for this chapter. The author's note at the end of this chapter is important, so please read it.
Thank you for all your support,

25th June 1522
"Don't you want to go and spend time with your sister before she dies?"questioned Margaret, cradling her nephew in her arms gently. "The execution date has been set for the thirtieth of June."
John Westerly, Earl of Rochford, shook his head. He strode over to his wife and bent over the baby that she was holding.
"It was unusually merciful of my brother to entrust what could be a bastard baby into our care though." Margaret smiled as baby John reached out his hand at her, dark eyes dancing merrily despite his mother's fate. The Earl nodded mutely.
He wasn't sure what to say to his wife anymore. He had lost her trust when they had lost their son and everything seemed so forced. John had taken his royal wife away from court with his nephew, to their country residence in Essex where there would be fewer distractions, but them being all but alone in a manor did not prove helpful.
"I suppose we will care for Johnny. He soon shall have no mother and no-one but she knows who his father is. It will be nice having a child again,"continued Margaret. She looked up at her husband as if to hint at something. John glanced down immediately. "What's wrong? Are you not pleased that you have custody of your nephew, when he could have been cast away as no son of the King's? Are you not grateful that my brother let you keep your title when he has turned so against the Starling family?"

"Of course I am,"John whispered. "But I don't think I deserve all of it. Not after everything I've done." Margaret's eyes widened. She stood up and gave the baby over to his nursemaid, lingering by the door as she watched him carried away. The other two servants took this as a cue to leave the couple to it.

For a few hostile moments they were completely still in the sun-drenched room. The Earl leaned against a table, his hand flat on its surface, and the other hand shoved in a pocket. His wife sat silently in an armchair, her own hands folded on her lap. They both stared serenely out of the window, the beautiful red-gold light of the sunset making their faces glow like two golden statues.

"No, you don't deserve it,"murmured Margaret. "And don't you think I'll forgive you easily. It was I who lowered my status to marry you and I who subsequently heightened yours. I could still go to my brother and tell him of your infidelity."

"But you won't,"replied John. His voice was a dreamy as hers, as though the sunset had bewitched them into speaking. "Besides, His Majesty is probably the most unfaithful man in the kingdom. Even so, you won't go running to him." He turned to face Margaret. "Do you want to know why?" She met his gaze slowly, eyes questioning. John, swallowing, took a deep breath.

"Because you love me. And because you love him. You would never tell His Majesty because it would ruin me and add one more problem to the King's pile of troubles. I know you won't."
Margaret rose from her armchair and strode slowly towards her husband.
"You know me the best, John. You always have, but I— "
She didn't have time to finish her sentence, for John had already pulled into his arms tightly as if he never wanted to let go again. Margaret, surprising herself, rested her head on his shoulder and shut her eyes.
"You can't just expect me to forgive you every time you have an affair," she whispered in his ear.
"I know. But I love you, Margaret, and I also know I won't have another affair again."
And as it grew dark in the room, Margaret took her husband's hand gently and together they slipped into their bedroom.


29th June 1522
The day of the execution dawned on the kingdom.

The King of England sat on his armchair, dreamily staring out of the window at Tower Green. His eyes were wide and shiny, chin resting on palm.

Princess Margaret rolled over in bed and buried her face in her husband's arms as the sun came streaming in through the window.

Princess Clara held her sisters' hands as they were lead on a walk in the garden. She turned her face upwards to look at the sky thoughtfully, counting the minutes till her stepmother would be dead.

Thomas Cromwell stood at the window watching crowds gather at Tower Green, ready to watch his lover die. He wasn't ready. He would never be.

Diana watched herself in the mirror as rouge was spread onto her pale cheeks. The plain dress was a deep blue-grey, covered by a navy blue cloak that trailed on the ground behind her. She listened sadly to the click clack of her own heeled slippers walk down the stone stairs of the Tower, not bothered to touch the wall for balance. The guards and Catherine followed after their prisoner grimly.

Diana caught Cromwell's eye in the crowd of watchful people. She smiled sadly at him, her eyes dim as she climbed the steps to the executioner. She was glad that the Privy Council had not found out about Thomas; at least he could care for their son when she was...

Don't think about it she thought, turning bravely to the crowds of people. They were waiting for her to say something. Diana closed her eyes, feeling the cool breeze and warm sunbeams hit her face soothingly.

"Good people of England, "she began in a clear, steady voice, "I have come here to die, and you have come here to watch it. I have been ordered to die by His Majesty the King and I will confess, the accusations against me are true. But the King of England, even as my husband, never ruled me. My life was never ruled by a man, a master who I was bound to attend to. I planned to live my life free and fall in love as helplessly as everyone else. However, I never wanted to be tied to a man who could turn on me and control my life at any second. Those plans were soon reduced to dust." Diana paused. She could see the King gazing at her from a far-off window, his face calculated and stiff. They caught each other's eye and held it for a few moments.

"Because I married the His Majesty the King of England. And it changed my life for better or for worse. I must say, I don't advise it." The crowd laughed nervously, watching their former Queen as she pulled off her cloak and gave it to her stone-faced cousin. Diana then reached up and took off her black hood, her thin fingers subconsciously stroking the little seed pearls. She would miss her finery in the depths of Hell, certainly. Shaking, she dropped the executioner's fee into his palm. He grunted, gesturing with the other arm for a lady to pull Diana's curls under the little white cap.

The former Queen stepped towards the awaiting executioner and raised her head up to the clouds...

For some reason, the impending urge to laugh pumped through her veins pressingly. They had not won. Thomas was still alive and innocent, wasn't he?

Diana opened her mouth and let out a slow, seductive laugh just as the sword sliced cleanly through her neck with a sharp 'whoosh'.

Diana Westerly, the infamous Queen, was executed with a laugh still painted on her face.

Thomas Cromwell turned and walked away slowly from his lover's dead body. He kept his expression stiff and apathetic to ensure no one saw that he cared about her. But bit by bit, the facts dawned on him heavily.

He would never again run his hands through her silky black curls; never watch her green eyes light up in excitement; never make the corners of her lips curl upwards in amusement. And as he trudged solemnly away from the bustling crowd, it occurred to Thomas Cromwell that he would never see the beautiful, enchanting face of Diana Westerly ever again.

And there it is, the end of Part Two (finally). It has been a wonderful few months writing this part and I hope you have all enjoyed it. However, I am unsure what to do next.
I wish to continue this book, of course. I have many ideas for future parts and have written some scenes already. The question is, though, should the next part be in a new Wattpad book? I intend for there to be six parts, so should it be a trilogy, a book with a sequel, or one big novel? Please comment and let me know so I can update in the New Year if possible!
Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it) and a Happy New Year,

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