Chapter 8...

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"Here you go sweetie." I grinned down at the little girl as she grabbed her cotton candy. She sent me a toothy grin before running towards her parents.

It was about two in the afternoon and I was currently working the cotton candy machine at the festival. Since I had volunteered I was put wherever they needed me and that so happened to be here. I didn't mind but my right arm was already sore from twisting the cotton candy on the stick, and I was covered in the sticky stuff.

I have been serving people non-stop since I got placed here. A small line went out past the little booth of kids waiting anxiously for their candy. While I got to work on the next batch my eyes darted around trying to find the girl I was suppose to be working with. She had walked off ten minutes ago to use the restroom, leaving me here to do all the work. She was some high school girl and I had already forgotten her name.

So while she was gone I have been whipping out cotton candy like no ones business. When the line was finally gone I got a drink and tried to pick off some of the dried candy. My whole right arm was covered, I was pretty sure some was in my hair and on my clothes too. My arm was exhausted as I moved it around. I really needed to hit the gym more.

Sadly I only had about another minute of peace before a few people came up to the booth. Reminding myself that I volunteered for this I plastered on a smile and helped the little boy that was staring at me.

Handing out the last bag of cotton candy I smiled to myself. Not too bad. But of course as luck would have it the cotton candy machine started to make a weird noise. Groaning I looked over at it wondering what was wrong. Of course it was going to stop working on me and I would probably get blamed for it too.

Peeking over into the machine I looked around trying to find out what was wrong with it. I was definitely no expert but the noise it was making couldn't be good. Right as I started to pull back to unplug the machine it suddenly exploded.

Little pieces of cotton candy flew out of the little hole you put the mixture in. Because I was still leaning over it it all went right into my face. Instantly the machine stopped making the noise as pieces of left over candy floated around me.

Spitting out pieces that landed in my mouth I waved a hand in front of my face and took a step back. I could feel it sticking to every inch of my face and to my hair. It was going to be a bitch to get out I have a feeling.

In-between choking and wiping my face I heard someone clear their throat. Inwardly I prayed no wanted any candy. I was pretty sure the machine was broke and I was done being here. All I wanted was to go home and shower right now.

Gathering myself so I wouldn't go off on the person I took a deep breath before turning to look over at the person who cleared their throat.

"Haley?" As luck would have it none other than Brock stood there staring at me with an amused expression.

"Oh god." I muttered closing my eyes. Out of everyone it had to be him.

"You okay there?" I could hear the laughter in his voice making my eyes snap open.

"Just peachy." I wiped at my face again and grimaced at the sticky feeling.

"Did you purposely put your face in the cotton candy? I'm pretty sure that doesn't make health code." Brock joked.

"Didn't you know that this is the new look? Everyone is wearing it in Milan." I shot back sarcastically.

"I can definitely see it on the runway." He went along with it, making me smile.

"Just know they stole it from me first." Hearing Brock laugh sent a shiver down my spine. That use to be my favorite sound in the entire world.

"Here." He leaned forward, reaching a hand towards me. I stood there not knowing what he was doing. The voice inside of my head was screaming at me to say something but my mouth wasn't working.

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