Chapter 21....

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Song: Your All I Ever Wanted by Brian Melo 

Haley's Pov....

"Good job Mitch that is correct." I beamed at the little boy who correctly spelled the word 'Festival' on the white board. "Who wants to go next?" I asked my classroom.

Four days have passed since the Fall Festival and since Brock left. Four days of crying at night and regretting everything I said that day. I wished I could turn the clock around but I couldn't, now I am stuck back in the same place again.

Being back at work with all my students helped keep my mind off of Brock. The little kids kept me busy which I was thankful for. The first two days back everyone was hyper but now that it was Wednesday things were getting back to normal. I hadn't minded the hectic days though.

Annie kept coming by my classroom to check on me but I told her the same thing every time, I was fine. She meant well but it was getting on my nerves a bit now. It was like she thought I would break at every little thing.

Sure I may have left when I heard Brad talking about how Brock's ex-girlfriend came out and said the baby was another guys, or the fact that Brock fired his manager after 2 years. But I was glad things were working out and that the picture of us was old news. I wasn't even going to hide the fact I was happy he fired Vanessa. She gave off a weird vibe to me.

It didn't really help matters that my brother and Megan left two days ago to go back to school. I hadn't realized how lonely the house was with them gone. I did make the two of them promise to keep in touch and to come back down for Christmas.

Now that it was just me again I was trying to get back in the groove of things. Who knew just a few days could throw someone off so much, but yet again an old flame doesn't always come back to town either.

I tuned back into class as another kid came up to write a word. The only thing I needed to focus on right now was my kids and making sure they were learning in class, everything else had to be background noise.

With my back turned to the class as I helped a kid write a word I didn't notice someone had walked through the door. Behind me I could hear the kids chattering starting to rise making me think someone was doing something they shouldn't. A regular occurrence here.

"Hey guys can we settle down a-" I turned around saying but the words got stuck in my throat. Standing there in the doorway was Brock and he was holding flowers. It had only been four days since I last saw him but it felt like a lifetime.

The kids around me looked at Brock with curious faces. Feeling someone tugging on my sleeve I looked away from Brock. Levi was holding the marker up to me to take.

"Hey guys why don't we go and have recess?" I cleared my throat. My eyes darted to Brock for a second. The kids around me cheered and immediately ran for the door that lead outside. "Be good!" I called after them.

With the kids now gone it was just me and Brock.

"What are you doing here?" I found myself asking, wrapping my arms around my middle.

"I..." Brock cleared his throat and took a few steps towards me. "The kid isn't mine." I was surprised at his words.

"I heard." Why was he here? Shouldn't he be back in LA?

"I came here to tell you something." I hadn't expected him to be here. I had thought he would never come back or even want to talk to me for that matter.

"Brock you shouldn't-"

"Let me talk okay?" He interrupted me. I found myself instantly shutting my mouth. "I have had four days to think about everything. To think about you and me especially. When I left I was angry and hurt. You made a decision that was mine to make and then acted as if nothing had happened between us. You didn't even let me decide before pushing me out the door."

I went to protest but he cut me off again.

"If you would have asked I would have told you I loved you. I have loved you since I was 15 Haley and that has never changed. I loved you from the moment I saw you and I've never stopped, even though we were thousand of miles apart. We both screwed up 6 years ago. We both thought we knew what we were doing but we didn't. In the end we lost each other. I'm not losing you again Haley.

"Even if I have to beg to stay I will until you agree. I can't go another day away from you or not waking up beside you."

Tears were starting to swell in my eyes at his words.

"Yes we have a lot to talk about and work on but I know we can do it. We belong together Haley and I know you know it."

"B-but what about LA? Baseball?" Brock slowly weaved his way through all the chairs as he neared me.

"I found out a few things while I was gone. One, the reason I didn't get any of your message was because of Vanessa. She deleted my messages, voicemails, and phone call log so I wouldn't ever find out." My eyebrows rose at that. I knew something was up with that whole thing and Vanessa. I knew I didn't like her for a reason. 

"And two, I found out that even though I am healed I still can't play for a month when the season starts, team rule. Which means I can be here for a while longer." I could feel my chest starting to swell with hope. "I do have another two years on my contract but I think this time around we can do better at long distance."

"You're not going to-"

"I'm not giving up baseball and you don't have to give up your job here either. When the season is over I plan on being here with you and you can always come to LA with me because you'll be on summer break." Brock spoke like he had it all planned out.

"I have spent the last four days realizing that I don't need to give up one thing to have the other. Why would we both be unhappy when we can make it work. I know it will be hard but I think we've learned our lesson." I nodded through my tears. "I don't want to go another day regretting not being with you over something stupid."

"Are you sure this is what you want?" I asked, wiping at a tear that slid down my face.

"I'm beyond positive."

"Good because I want you to stay. I let you go all those years ago thinking it was for the best and I thought I was doing the same thing this time but I'm not. I want you here with me." I finally admitted.

This whole time I had been doing what I thought would be the best for us but it really wasn't. Being apart was doing nothing for us. Yes we had made some mistakes in the past but here we are with a second chance right in front of us. It would be absolutely foolish to not take it.

"Good because I am not leaving." Nothing could stop me as I suddenly launched myself at Brock, my arms wrapping around his neck and my lips slamming into his. He wrapped his arms around me, lifting my feet off the floor as we kissed.

I gripped onto his hair wanting to make sure this was real and I wasn't just imagining him being here right now. The last thing I wanted was to be dreaming this and wake up to find that he wasn't really here and saying these things to me.

We finally pulled apart to get air. My eyes were still closed as I felt my lips still tingle from his kiss. When I opened them I found Brock's blue eyes looking into my green ones.

"Will you, Haley Gardner, be my girlfriend?" Brock asked, fear plain as day on his face. I laughed at the way he said it, tears once again forming in my eyes.

"Yes! Of course!"

"We will make this work." He breathed, his eyes staying locked on mine a fierce look of determination in them.

"Yes it will." I kissed him passionately then, wanting him to feel every ounce of emotion I had. I had no doubt we would make this work this time around.

"I love you Brock Spencer." I whispered against his mouth.

"I love you too Haley Gardner." I hugged him tightly as he pressed a kiss to my forehead.

You know sometimes two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together.

The End! 

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