Chapter 16...

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Song: Rewrite The Stars-Zac Efron and Zendaya

For the next few hours Brock and I just drove around town seeing things. Brock wanted to see what had all changed since he was gone and since I had no other plans I agreed. It was surprisingly fun driving around. We talked about random things, listened to music with Brock occasionally singing along and almost breaking my eardrums. It was nice.

Neither of us had realized the time until both of our stomachs were growling loudly in the car. I had forgotten I hadn't eaten today and it was already 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Sharing a look at one another we both said the same thing..."Pizza".

Thirty minutes later we were back at my house, two large pizza's sitting on the dining room table, and I was grabbing drinks for us. Back in high school Brock and I use to have Saturday night pizza. We use to do Friday's but Brock almost always had a game on that day so we moved it to Saturday's. We would order two different kinds of pizza's, soda ready for drinking and a dvd ready to put in the VCR. It was a regular thing for us.

"Do you want a beer or anything?" I called over my shoulder to Brock who was opening the boxes.

"A beer would be great." Grabbing the last one in the fridge and a glass of water for myself I headed for the table. Brock had already grabbed napkins and plates for us. Seeing the two hot pizza's sitting there my stomach growled.

Not even caring that Brock was next to me I reached for my own pizza, pepperoni with pineapple, and grabbed two slices.

"Still don't understand the pineapple." Brock commented grabbing his own slices, sausage and peppers.

"Why not? Pineapple is amazing." I said around a mouthful. We use to always have this debate about whether pineapple belonged on a pizza. I always said yes while he didn't. I didn't understand those that thought it didn't fit. Their loss and my gain.

"Gross." He scrunched up his nose at me.

"Don't even start. You play with a dozen of gross men, this is nothing." High school boys were disgusting, imagine what grown pro-baseball players were like.

"They aren't that gross." He started to defended them but I sent him a look. We both knew that was a lie. "You aren't drinking?" Brock changed the subject, nodding his head at my glass of water.

"I'm not much of a drinker." Once in a while I'd buy a bottle of wine or a pack of beer but most often than not they sat there for ages going bad.

"Same old Hals." He smiled and taking a sip of his beer.

"It worked out that I'm not much of a drinker. I never had any here for Lucas to steal."

"Was he good growing up?" He asked.

"He was. I mean I know he would drink a bit when he went to a party or out with his friends but I made sure he called me if he ever needed a ride. I didn't want him to miss out on his teenage years. Lucas always came home before curfew or he called me. He did his homework, sometimes had to force him to sit down and do it. Got good grades."

"Ever get in any trouble?"

"Eh once or twice."

"Did you go all Haley Gardner on him?"

"What does that mean?"

"When you get upset you get this tone and stance that is severely scary. I can just see you doing that to the poor kid."

"No I didn't go all Haley Gardner on him. Hearing his side of the story in the principles office I knew he wasn't in the wrong. He had to do one day in detention of breaking the kids nose but that was it." Brock whistled when I said that, a proud look on his face.

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