Alone among wolves

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As she woke up, she saw someone standing above her, a young woman with blonde hair and soft blue eyes. "Where am I??" Diane asked the woman. She smiled, "You're in the cave of the half moon." Diane wanted to sit up but the woman slightly pushed her back into the pillows. "Don't move that much. You have to take care of your ankle," she said. Diane froze, "How do you know about it?? Where's Alpha and who are you??" The woman smiled brightly, "Sam brought you here. I think he would be with Leilani and Indigo now, and my name is Skye. I'm a healer." Diane nodded, "I'm Diane." Skye laughed, "I know. But now I have to go and make some ointments and tinctures. If you need me just call." Diane nodded again. After Skye left the room, she sat up and looked around. She was in a cave; the walls were covered with green moss to keep the room warm. She was laying in a bed, covered with lots of blankets. Around her ankle she saw a big white bandage with some green ointment. Diane had nearly no pain now, actually she felt like standing up and looking around a bit but she remembered Skye's words and laid down again. She was hungry, she didn't even know when her last meal was. She looked outside her window, it must've been sunset now. Diane's stomach was growling as she heard voices from outside. "Is she awake??" It was Alphas voice. Skye's voice replied: "Yes she is. You three can visit her." The leaning door was opened and three people came in. One was Alpha, the second one was a woman with long, brown hair and brown eyes, and the third one was a young man with blue-black hair, that reached his muscular shoulders. He had one dark blue eye, and the other was grey, and a long scar moved over it. Diane shivered, he was scary.
For a few minutes it was totally silent until Skye and another woman came in. Her hair and her eyes were as white as snow. Then Alpha said, "Hello Diane, nice to see you're alright again." Everybody grinned, but the guy with the grey eye kept a serious look. "Well you're surely a bit confused. I brought you here. The guys in this room are the most influential people in the pack." Alpha told her. "This, (he pointed to the woman with the brown hair) is Leilani. She's my Beta. And this (he pointed to the blue-black haired man) is Indigo. He's my Omega." Leilani smiled and Indigo nodded. "I think you already know Skye." He looked over to Diane and as she nodded he continued: "And this white beauty beside her is Taya. She's also a healer." Taya blushed immediately and everyone started to laugh again. Only Indigo kept quiet. Everybody was now looking at Diane and she felt very uncomfortable as she said, "Yea... well my name is Diane and I came here to search for Vinnie." As Vinnie's name fell, Leilani and Indigo exchanged a glare. And for the first time Indigo spoke. He said only one word, "Why??" His voice was deep and melodic. Diane gave him the same answer that she gave to Alpha, "Our boss sent us to find him because he's a main man of our company." Leilani raised an eyebrow, "Us??" Diane nodded and explained, "The guy who was with me is named Judd. He was building our tent on a glade near the edge of the forest and I went to search for some wood for our campfire. But then I lost my orientation in the fog and Alpha found me." She just ended her declaration as someone knocked on the door. Alpha called them in and a woman and a girl entered the room. The woman lowered her head in front of Alpha, Leilani and Indigo. "Alpha, Beta, Omega; Ira and I found a tent in the eastern quadrant. Nobody was there but it smelled strange. Like sulphur." She said. Alpha and Leilani exchanged a glare. "I'll go." He said to Leilani, she nodded but held him on the wrist as she said, "Be careful Sam." He nodded and smiled. "I promise. Now let's go Tamika. Oh and Ira..." he said to the girl "please stay with Diane. I don't want you to get hurt. And I think you can tell her a lot about our pack." The girl called Ira nodded. Alpha and Tamika left the room. Diane was still confused. She asked into the silence, "What does it mean when someone smells like sulphur??" Iras eyes went wide and Indigo growled. Only Leilani stayed friendly. She explained, "There are two kinds of werewolves in this world. The evil ones and the good ones. The evil ones are called shadow-wolves. They are aggressive all the time, they can only turn into wolves on full moon nights, they attack and kill humans and they smell like sulphur. They can't get rid of this smell. And the good ones are called moon-wolves. We can turn ourselves into wolves whenever we want to. Look." To prove her words she turned herself into a beautiful grey wolf with sparkling brown eyes. She turned back into her human form and said, "If you see a wolf as black as the night, run away as fast as you can and never look back. The shadow-wolves have black fur and the moon-wolves have grey fur." As she ended Diane had only one question. "But I always thought werewolves were monsters, walk on two legs, and go around and kill humans." Indigo growled angry. "Stupid human! Did you even listened to her?? Only the shadow-wolves kill people." Diane shrugged back. Leilani looked at him, "Calm down Indigo, she couldn't have known." To Diane she said friendly, "Because of the shadow-wolves people are scared. I don't think they know about us... but there are a lot of things they don't know or they don't want to realize." She became upset during the last sentence and Indigo reached out his hand to make her calm down. "I think we should go now, it's getting late. I hope they'll be back soon." Indigo said. He turned around and murmured, "Good night. Come on Leilani." Leilani nodded to Diane. A gentle smile curled on her lips as she said, "I think he likes you, otherwise he wouldn't have brought you here. Good night Diane, sweet dreams." She turned around and left the room. Now only the girl named Ira was sitting on her bed.
Authors note:
Thanks to my beta Jasmine💕✨

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