Chapter 8⃣

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The next day


I came to work today with an aim.An aim to deal with jungkook.Well he's gonna regret giving me this kind of job.

Yesterday he made me clean that filthy office and do all employees laundry.DA fuq am I a laundry lady.

Well today he's gonna flip when he sees what I have in store for his stupid ass.I say so with an evil smirk.

I went into my own office.At least it was now clean.Well looking at it now,it does look like a decent office.

Its nice cos even employees office's look presentable.Its real ironical cos I wont be working in here.

As I was doing my work,I suddenly heard a scream from inside.I wonder who it might be.?

I went outside and I saw jungkook,he was screaming with all his might.My office is kinda closer to his so there's no employees around there.

I guess he was too egoistic not wanting to work near his employees.

I went closer to his office cos there was like a long hallway and he was far from me.

As I got close he saw me then said.

"You ... You did this didn't you?"

"What sanjangnim...I.."

Before I could complete my statement marched out of my sight.

He was in so much fury in the office.Everyone gathered around and greeted but he kept shouting.

"Who put that thing in my office "

"Who put that god forsaken thing in my office"

He kept going on and on.I just stood from a distance and saw all that rage.Omg,he's mad.

Soon I heard him say.

"If none of you provide the person that did this,then I'll cut all of your salariess"he shouted then stormed out.

Narrator POV

The previous day,jungkook had made y/n work so much till she was real tired,when she left from there she swore to herself to make him pay for all that.

"Who da fuq does he think I am am not gonna sit and watch him treat me like a servant."she said with her arms folder.

At night she made a plan.She was gonna find out everything jungkook hated and threw it at his face one by one.

So therefore the next morning,She got a cat and put it in jungkook's office cos he was scared of them.

This was all she knew about jungkook at the moment...his fear of cats and she was bent to use it against him.

But right now the situation had gone out of hand and he was furious and threatened the employees,she didnt expect this.

After he left,she could see some emoployees crying cos cutting their pay would kill them. so she had no choice but to turn herself in.

Jungkook office was already cleared of cats and sanitized so he was now inside.

*knock knock*

"who the fuck is it?"Jungkook shouted and y/n shook a little.

She came inside very slowly.

"What do you want?"he said angrily.

"First of all mister,tune it down,am not a maid you yell at"

"SA JANG NIM"he said

"Ok sajangnimm"

"Now talk"

"I put the cat in your office..."

"You what..?"

"well before you go all hades when mad at me,listen"

Jungkook kept staring in anger..

"I didnt exactly put the cat there..I saw a stray cat and it looked so cute so I took it with me and while I was working,the cat ran away and I guess it found itself in your office"

"Well you expect me to believe that bullshit story?.well am not stupid.I know you hate me and also that I hate cats so do I need to spell it out for you"

"Your tryna kill me,aren't you"

"Well I really wanna murder you so bad your right about that" y/n thought.

"How can I even think of such a thing"y/n said with a sorrowful look.

Jungkook kept talking and talking..

"Mianhe sajangnim"y/n said pouting.

"I would never try to kill you cos your my source of income what would I do without you" she boldly said

"Now please relax that face of yours and don't cut the salaries of the employees ok"y/n said cutely.



Y/n was so shook at the fact that he agreed so easily.she didnt even expect him to agree I the first place.

"Yeah ok"He said coming close.

"But why did you agree so easily ?"

He was now right infront of y/n.

"Cause there's something I want you to do for me"

Jungkook touched her cheek with the back of his hand and bit his lip.

Y/n froze and could hardly breathe at this point.Then she muster up courage to say.

"Wh what do you want sa jang ni nimm"

Heyaaa me peach colony.

yeah thats right amma call you guys Lil peach readers hihi 😄😄

How's da chapter?.. I hope you lovey.
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LAST NIGHT [Jungkook x Reader]  ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora