Chapter 2⃣0⃣

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Jungkook POV




I just looked at her quietly as she threw those roses at me.

I was just so shook at the fact that she stormed into my office like that throwing roses at me and in my office.I just think she's an attention seeking bitch.

What an attention whore she is.

Shes so crazy,now my office is filled with roses how dirty uggghh.

I was just shook while she threw those roses at me and didn't say anything.

She stormed out right after.

It took a little while but I went after her.Well shes gonna clean up my office after what she did.No one else will.

Out of my office now at the hallway.I saw her.she was talking to some guy the same guy I saw that night with her.

I couldn't make out what they were saying and I really wanted to.I wanna be sure if he is her boyfriend or not.

I screamed out her name.


She shook then turned and looked at me for a sec avoiding my eyes and then as I got close she looked like she was going to hide and then she grabbed the guy's hand and walked away very fast.

She actually behaved like she didnt hear me and I kept calling her name but she ran off.

Darn it.

Just where is she going to with that jerk holding his hand like that.The thought of her leaving holding that guy's hand ignoring me kept haunting me.


I looked at the roses she had shredded in my office.I picked a piece and stared at it.peach roses nice...

"I guess its that guy who bought her the roses then."I said to myself as I looked at the rose and then I looked and I saw a note.

I read it then I saw the initials "J" on it.I then understood she misunderstood.But still why would she pass off the thought of her boyfriend sending her roses and think it was me instead.

So that damn guy hurt her huh.Now am curious to know what he did.Well she'll never tell me that's for sure.

Just how will I find out...


I just stood there staring at josh wondering how he knew where i was and how he got here.

"Josh... How did you....."

Well hes a criminal so I guess he found out through his criminal ways or maybe that bitch of a roommate I had told him.

"Did you see the flowers I sent you?..your favo.."

"What ? Josh sent those flowers ?"I thought to myself.

" sent those flowers ?... "

"Yes...why are you so concerned"

"oh no...."


The feeling of shame and regret came all over me as he said that.I just wanted to creep into a hole and hide in it.

If only I could turn into bugs bunny now I'd dig a hole and hide in it.

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