Author's Note

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I'm having the hardest time not adding Shounen Ai into this story. Lol. I feel the 'bromance' fever coming on. Honestly, I read so much Boy Love Novels that I feel that it's starting to leak into my writings. 

I'll continue to stick with the storyline but honestly sometimes my stories begin to twist in weird directions and I felt I should warn you in advance if there's any unintentional flirting underway. 

As a side note:

I'm very happy to see how many people have actually picked up on reading and voting on this particular novel. Feel free to give me ideas on what you'd like to happen. My ideas flow faster when you as the Readers begin to 'guess' about what will happen. 

In my previous book that I wrote and completed I had a reader continuously commenting and guessing which helped me progress so smoothly with the storyline. For instance: Originally I had planned for it to be a random Fae creature causing murders in my Vampire Novel but my Reader kept guessing random things such as 'Ohh, it must be Finn the Fae. He just seems like the bad guy.' But I didn't want Finn to be the bad guy completely so in the end I made Finn this type of God of Darkness who had created the Fae. I won't go into complete details but my point is that you as Readers make my book BETTER. 

My ideas start off really bland and when you question things it gives me more inspiration. Never think that us Author's don't see what you write or that you don't have a say in how our story shapes out. Sure, we won't change our story for you but we will end up picking pieces out of what you are thinking and warp it to our own imaginings. 

So, why don't you guys begin to discuss how you see this story going or who Lily will end up with in the end. I'll drop the guys below. 

Vincent: Doesn't understand emotions or ques very well

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Vincent: Doesn't understand emotions or ques very well. Rather quiet. His element will turn out Dark and water I think. But he will be proficient in anything that needs studying. Especially since he doesn't have magic currently so what he does is read. Some Magic's can only be 'learned'. 

Anthony: Mercenary that protects the country and holds Earth & Space (Advanced Knowledge also in Runes as he gets older) for Magic

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Anthony: Mercenary that protects the country and holds Earth & Space (Advanced Knowledge also in Runes as he gets older) for Magic. He will be introduced soon because his family will move into their 'village'. [I don't consider it a village nor a City because of all the damn wildlife so I will just say their 'space' lol] His personality is not quite as quiet as Vincent but he is rather caring once he likes an individual. Very protective, similar to a 'knight'.

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