Chapter 62

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After Damon left I began to further my search for the person who had left the message and 'Cassandra Horror Show'

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After Damon left I began to further my search for the person who had left the message and 'Cassandra Horror Show'. It wasn't that her death bothered us; especially with our line of work. Seeing dismembered bodies wasn't that unusual. 

What was unusual was that it had taken place out our Head Quarters. We were located in a very remote area that was really close to Distorted Space in the Aqua Mist Forest. A.M.F. was located next to Luminous Roots in the entirety of Meridia. 

Meridia in general from a top view would look similar to a large island that took up about sixty percent of the entire world. Everything else was the Endless Blue; the ocean.

Since our Head Quarters was so close to Distorted Space Damon was able to have a large team of Space Elemental Star Users come and craft barriers with Users with a Mastery in Runes and Formations. Theoretically, it is impossible for someone to stumble upon our base of operations; even if they were to purposefully attempt to break through. 

Thus, we were all confused on how some interloper barged through, killed and dismembered one of our 'employees' and still go unnoticed by anyone. 

"Who could possibly sneak in here," I mumbled to myself. 

I knew that I was getting strange looks as I walked towards the larger area in this specific Hall. Surely whoever it was that committed the crime had to have walked through here and left some kind of clue. If someone thought it strange that I was sniffing the air they didn't say so. 

My nose and instincts led me on a wild goose chase for what felt like hours. It led me out of the Main Hall and towards the outskirts close to where the Punishment Hall was. Considering the fact that I was tracking a scent, it would be useless to use the Array to transfer myself to the P.H. Instead I was left with walking the trail. 

(A/N: Hopefully everyone understands what the P.H. et c stand for. I find that typing that entire thing out exhausting and a waste of words.) 

After about an hour I finally made it to the spot where the trail distorted and disappeared. I stared straight ahead with a frown marring my face. My eyes flashed with frustration as I stared into Distorted Space and wondered why someone with the Space Element would wander into H.Q. after so many years of us setting up here. 

It was completely unprecedented and I now understood Damon's reserves on the many strange events that led up to here. Something really strange was going on in Meridia and if what that note said is true.. a war was coming. 


It wasn't fair! Everyone was mad at me for something. Even Mommy has stopped trying to talk to me. Not even the worried glances. 

I hate them.

When I walked towards the kitchen earlier I bumped into Vincent and Nathaniel with that new boy. I forgot his name. At first he had seemed nice but for some reason he'd stopped being nice. 

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