Ch13- Victory!

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I marched into the movie area where all the boys were either sitting down in white chairs or on the grassy ground. None of the boys noticed my presence which I secretly liked. Don't mind me, just lookin' for good old Caden ~

I looked around and finally saw Caden sitting in the grass with a couple of muscular guys that I've seen around the camp before. They were munching on popcorn and chips. Caden looked so engaged in the movie that I almost didn't want to bother him. But I have to, for Justin.

I tip-toed my way over to his spot, carefully trying not to bump into the boys. I bend over and tap Caden's shoulder softly. He doesn't make an effort to turn around right away. I watch him eat another handful of chips before he looks at me.

He gives me a confused expression then whispers, "A movie's playing. Let's chat later."

His voice had more of a sarcastic tone. So I grab his arm showing that I mean business. His eyes widen and he quickly follows me half way into the woods.

"What do you want." He whines.

I cover his mouth with my hand. Right now was not a good time to get caught, the louder he speaks the more of a chance that will actually happen. I hover  my index finger over my lips. Shhhh, I whispered.

I explained to him what Damon had told me earlier and once I explained everything he laughs.

Now I was offended.

I push his chest hard and he puts his hands in the air for surrender.

"Sorry? But do you really expect me to believe Damon. A.k.a the 'best friend' of Liam, another liar. Trust me Skylar I've been going to this camp since I was 13, along with Liam and Damon. They are manipulating and stupid. I don't care what they say. And for you to believe them makes me wonder who's the stupid one now."

He starts to walk away but I grab his hand. I'm in mid tears, and my throat burns.

...Maybe he's right. Maybe Damon is trying to make me believe something he totally made up. But why would he go as far to say Candice used a big rock to hurt Justin. Why would he even tell me that information when he knows I could easily tell a counselor. A liar wouldn't go that far because then they would be in trouble... right?

"Nope. I will not let you walk away from me again." I tell him.

"Skylar don't cry." He says as he wipes a tear from my cheek.

"How am I not supposed to when I'm in a boys camp. I came here thinking my summer would be fun and amazing when all it is is drama back and forth. God, I thought girls were only full of drama." I slap his hand off me.

"Okay okay. I'll talk to Damon. But don't expect me to be nice to him.....," He pauses, "and about Candice. I never did anything else with her. I promise. The only time I did is when you caught us. Nothing else. Liam said those things because he knew you were gullible. I wasn't strong enough to argue with him because he's Liam and he always gets his way. I'm sorry, for putting you through that pain."

He leans over to me and pulls me into a kiss. And in that moment I forgave him.


The next day

"Okay everyone are you ready for the scavenger hunt?" A camp counselor yelled. The boys were excited for it but not I. I was partnered up with Liam. He stood next to me our skin so close to touching. I acted as if he had a contagious disease and slowly scooted away some inches.

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