• T W E N T Y - F I V E •

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Natalia reached the office just to find the whole office staring at her. She knew all her life she is going to get these glances. Ignoring these glances she asked the receptionist about Ashton.

"Sir is in his office..." she said with a slight smile and Natalia nodded her head smiling back to her. She read the batch on her left. Kisa look quite friendly to her but she was least interested in making friends. Today she wanted to spend her time with Ashton. Without further conversation she head to his office.

On her way she got numerous good morning and shaking heads. She reverted all of them and reached his office. Outside his office at left sat his assistant Cedric. She pitied him for handling Ashton but then she was happy other than his friends even Cedric cared for him.

Cedric flashed his perfect white teeth and wished her morning. She smiled at him and asked about Ashton. The colour of his face dried away and the pure horror on his face was an evidence that Ashton was not in a good mood.

For a minute Natalia thought of returning back home or college but she desperately wanted to spend her day with him and out of all about hearing he isn't in a good mood she wanted to cheer him up.

"What has happened?" she asked standing at his door whispering quietly so that Ashton doesn't hear it

"I don't know he called Xavier and on the phone Xavier said something and Ashton lost his calm" Cedric said and thought about how Ashton broke the vase and scattered all the files. Cedric almost ran away from his office

"Okay!!" she thought maybe because of Nicholas case something might have happened and angered him.

Natalia entered the room and saw the room completely trashed. If she says trashed means every single thing in the office was trashed except for the walls. She heard footsteps, directing her eyes towards the sound she saw Ashton coming out of washroom.

Ashton stood frozen on his feet, his eyes were swollen and his face was void of any expression. The only thing she could figure out were his eyes that were red due to immense crying.

"Natalia....." the word came out as a whisper but sounded like a prayer. He rushed towards her and crushed her onto his chest.

Natalia was shocked on sudden gesture from Ashton. He was holding her tightly as if she would vanish right in front of him, as if she would slip from his arms and disappear and never come back.

She could feel his heart rhythm pacing the double than usual. She felt something uneasy, he was applying to much force on holding her. She couldn't come to any conclusion as to why he was holding her this tight.

Keeping all her thoughts at bay she slowly and steadily raised her arms to hug him back. She rubbed his back gently trying to calm the storm inside him. Eventually his heart rate came to it's normal pace and he losen his arms around her. She tried to break the hug but immediately he held her tightly, more tight than earlier if it was even possible. He hid his face in the crook of her neck.

She could feel his hot uneven breath on her neck and immediately goosebumps rose into her body. She heard a whimper, a very low whimper and that made her stomach churn "don't leave...!!!"

She placed a hand on his back rubbing it trying to sooth his inner turmoil while the other went into his hair. She played with his hair and whispered in his ear. A soft whisper that made his heart happier than ever "I won't ever leave you"

She felt his hot breath get even but still they made every single hair on her body rise in attention. She could feel herself melting. He broke the hug and looked at her, her body went cold and numb due to such sensations. Ashton's just breath could do wonders to her body the thought of he making love to her could do what? just for a minute second the thought crossed her mind but she immediately rubbed it off. 

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