• T H I R T Y - T H R E E •

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Natalia sat on the edge of the bed and watched Ashton as he packed all his stuff. It was very much complicated between them but he said he will sort everything out and she believes him. "Can't I come with you??" she asked again and like all other times Ashton didn't reply which clearly mean't a 'no'. He told her what's happening in New York and he needs to rush over there.

"Ashton I can help Xavier" she again insisted but he just didn't reply. she huffed and walked towards him. Ashton was collecting his clothes from the cupboard listening to Natalia again and again insisting on joining him but he knew it's dangerous for her. A while ago Xavier sent him a message of Natalia's life being in danger.

He couldn't understand how all of sudden all this is happening everything was going smooth then all of a sudden why this new threats. He can't lose his heart, his love, his Natalia. He kept num whenever she insisted on joining him to New york. He felt someone hug him from behind and he knew who the person was. He needs to be strong or else her romantic tricks would make him say her a yes and take her New York along with.

He can't loose her.

"These aren't going to work on me. I still won't take you with me" he said with a goofy smile while Natalia just huffed and left him turning on her heels she sat back on the bed with a grumpy face

"That's pure torture" she murmured softly but audible enough for Ashton

"What's the torture??" he asked curious about the answer. What is she sad about he leaving for Nicholas case or she not being able to help in the case. Even though he knows his friend is no more still is the answer Nicholas that means he is still at square one in her life. She might see him as a life partner, a person she can spend her whole life with but does she loves him?? She said long before it can't happen but a hope is still a hope. The answer Nicholas might just break his heart one more time like she did all other times but chosing him won't be a bad idea either. Waiting impatiently for her answer he starred at her, he not even for a minute blinked. He badly needed the reality check.

She just sees him as a life partner or a lover. Natalia looked at him and their eyes locked, the intensity of his emotions were clearly visible in his eyes. As if she could read his eyes, the wave of emotions passing by was clearly read by Natalia. She couldn't believe herself for the answer she was going to give him. Maybe life planned Ashton instead of Nicholas in her life.

"It's a pure torture....." she said and stopped as she watched the impatience in his eyes. His eyes never leaving her lips every moment by her lips were watched by him. She smiled at him he was going insane by her silence "...to stay away from you" she said and he almost didn't believe himself nor his ears.

He was still starring at her in plane shock. She stood there like a mannequin not moving not blinking she laughed at him and ran into his arms. Was life playing again a game with him or is she actually his. Like Natalia is finally in his arms but he can't even move he was so drained in shock.

Recovering from the shock he hugged her back. Ohh my my the way she perfectly fitted in his arms gave him immense happiness whenever she was in his arms.


Ashton David Cross does whatever he wishes but here tables were turned nobody knew why is Austin's father so keen on getting this case closed. He even made sure Natalia doesn't have any more Police security around her. Which made Xavier suspicious and he asked Ashton not to bring Natalia along with him.

"Where's Austin??" he asked as soon as the boys met him at the airport

"He went to get answers from his father. The old guy has turned nuts" Allen said in a pale voice

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