• T H I R T Y - S E V E N •

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Natalia wasn't letting him go. She was clung to his body as if her life depended on him. Ashton was in the backseat with Natalia clung to him for her dear life. She was scared he could instantly figure that out. The past two hours of events were quite horrifying. Allen had gone with Cedric in the ambulance while Austin and Aaron ride back with him to the city.

They knew who planted the bomb and even know the culprit of Nicholas death. It was all crystal clear. There were few more shreds of evidence required for arresting Victor Reynolds and Veronica Hayes. He received a message earlier from Xavier when the police were investigating Natalia about the bomb and the Cedric. He wished Xavier collects all the evidence and as early as possible they could re-open the case.

Austin behavior toward's Natalia was quite unusual he was afraid of losing her that he just got to know she is his sister but the question nagging was then who was he? What are the identities and the new found relationships? Aaron, on the other hand, was quiet, his mind didn't have any thoughts he was lost somewhere between identities and lies he didn't know what was the truth. the truth was jumbled and they need to solve it before it gets too late and another life gets hurt.

Aaron rounded the car in Ashton's apartment parking and let out a sigh of worry. His sigh caught the attention of Ashton and Austin while Natalia was fast asleep in his arms. There was complete silence in the car. A storm was waiting for them after this silence. It was a warning that the storm is at the door any moment it can enter and ruined many perfect lives till then they have a little time left to save their own lives and prepare for the upcoming storm

"What's with that sigh" Austin was the first to break the silence. Aaron averted his eyes to him while Aston too had his eyes directed to him

"Tomorrow is going to be chaotic, the media won't leave a single chance to manipulate the event happened today" Aaron filled them with his worry while Austin had a sarcastic laugh

"That's not it, my father's crimes are still there for more media's attention," Austin said with a tight smile but there was anger building inside him. He needs to see March only she can calm him down. Why did he realise it so late?

Ashton carried Natalia bridal style and walked inside his apartment. Lotus was present in the living area cleaning the antique vase Ashton has bought from France. She looked up him and then Natalia in his arms. Over time he has actually gotten himself adjusted to being Natalia in the house and even in the kitchen.

"Should I cook something?" Lotus asked in concern. Ashton nodded his head and headed towards their room

She was fast asleep in his arms with a content smile on her face. A sign of peace was washed on her face. She didn't know anything about the turn of events happened when she was away. Ashton was worried regarding the truth. All her life she didn't know who's mistake was she but today all the cans of secrets were open and the bundle of lies bursts out of it. If the media get to know about her identity there will be a lot of heaps.

The heap he won't be able to assemble it.

He just hoped she will keep herself strong as the media won't let a single thing get away from their biggest hit of the month. Many questions and fingers are going to be pointed towards her, people and media are going to throw dirt on her character and her life. How is he going to explain the fuss to his parents? He just hoped that she would keep her guard and be strong for herself not for anyone else.

He laid her down on the bed and sat beside her staring at the beautiful woman in front of him. She confessed her love to him earlier but for security, he needs to hear it again so that he'll be able to absorb the fact she loves him and the fear that she will leave him is not going to last as she is going to stay with him forever. He couldn't believe she said those words. He always imagined a forever with her but after knowing about her and Nicholas he thought love is the only thing he won't be able to ever taste it.

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